Life In The Woods

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    Whistling. Leafs and branches crackling until other steps were heard. He stopped dueled his swords and blocked a swing of a scimitar by crossing his.
"Morning Jack."
"Lona?" I said back firmly.

They uncrossed they're swords and hid them. They shook hands and hugged.
"I see your as sharp as ever."
"Seems like auntie taught you well." They began to walk till a sudden arrow hit a tree next to Jack.
"Were you followed?"
"I made sure I wasn't."
"Well not enough."

    They began to run when there was a barrage of arrows. Seemed like dozens of them. One hit Lana's leg and dropped her to the ground.
Jack obeyed. Lana screamed in pain but, Jack didn't look back.
"We got got your girl Jack come on out and fight for her like a man."

    He new it was a trap so he kept on running. He stopped once he had reached a safe ground, in a barn where his aunt lived. Hyperventilating, he got up and started to look for a trap door to hide in. Barking from a hound broke through the sound of his hyperventilating which meant they got really close. He had no time so he had to leave through the back door.

    "Where is he!" They broke in the doors to find nothing. "Burn it all down!" He yelled. Jack was looking at the man remembering the face of who burned his belongings and who hurt Lana through a crack. "There he is, get'm!" Jack was spotted so he continued running; however, he tripped on a rock from being so tired.

    Two people grabbed him and then dragged him to their boss. A butt ugly man smoking a joint wearing a raggedy tuxedo with a top hat carrying a poker card, 8's clover.
"Bring her here. Yeah kid she still alive. She's just knocked out."
"You bastard. You'll pay you little..."
"Oh shut up you little runt!"

    The man smacked Jack across his face. He went to Lana and pulled out a short blade.
"Don't you touch her!"
"This is what happens when you mess with the Lions!"
The man had slit Lana's throat open. Jack was creaming while her blood gushed on the ground and the man's boots.
"You'll pay you piece of shit!"
"Sadly for you I won't. You just could've  payed the taxes and left it alone with the voult but no you had to steel it back, for the sake of the villagers." That last part was spoken with a taunt.
"It's not right, your no king! Just a joker left on duty and back stabbed by your own friend, the king.

"Leave him here I feel pity killing most of the chump's family. Oh and happy birthday kid." The two guards dropped him and left. Jack couldn't move or do anything not only physically but they also broke him mentally. Jack swore to get his revenge but, he needs to become stronger. He knocked out not having anymore strength. Someone grabbed him and carried him away.
"Hey wake up. What happened to. Kid!"
"Kid what's wrong and who the heck is Lana?"
"They killed her. She was my sister, same as they did with mom. Held her down and cut her throat. That day I swore to get revenge; but, now not only mom it's also Lana."

; Six years later,

    "Hey kid wake up. Damn kid twenty four years old and still lazy as hell." He smacked Jack across the face.
"Morning Rorrie." Jack opened his eyes. "C'mon lets train." He got up and grabbed his gear right beside him. They both left the tent.
"Okay today we'll be doing teamwork. I wait for you to target the safest target to hit first and then you hit who ever is opposed to the targets side for no consequences."
Jack readied his bow aiming for a dummy on a tree and let go.
"What are you doing target I shoot it then you hit the other contacts." They continued till mid day.

    They had gotten back to the tent. "What? He asked because of the look he was giving back to him.
"Kid I think by now you're ready to give all this training a shot. And I'm to old to do this anymore. So I've formed an alliance to help you get what you want. You are the leader of this alliance so called "Tigers" the hunters of the family gathered for revenge of the Lions same as you. They are guarded, not the best but still, therefore you all will be working together to take one by one down. Look I know this is out of the sudden so happy birth day. You strike at the crack of dawn. Hope you wake up early Jack." Later that night they went to bed.
"Hey Jack your asleep?"
"Yes Rorrie."
"Well go to sleep! We're going to war tomorrow!"


    At the gate there was two guards already taken out by two of the Tiger's men. The base wasn't very big but, big enough to hold wooden tower. Walls were wooden too; however, they weren't so tall they were more man size. The Tigers moved in along with Jack. Guards were alerted and surrounded them.
"Well, well, well. Have we a tea party with the new kiddies? Oh yeah you kid you look familiar well, actually you all look familiar. Is this a family and friends reunion?"
"No it's all the people you have wronged you low life joker!"
"Oh yes I remember you. I slit your mom's and sister's throat. I should've done it to you too, so all this commotion for nothing wouldn't have happened. Y'all interrupted my resting!

Arrows were shot, not to Jack and his team but the king's guards. "This isn't all for nothing!" Someone yelled at the distance.
"We are the alliance "Panthers" and you killed our leader so we're here for revenge. Although might as well give it to you. It's all yours Jack!" Jack had wondered why the man new his name.
"Okay I had my time who want to be king?" The man dropped his crown and coward back to the so called "Keep".
"Burn everything down I'll get him!"

They all grabbed wood and lit them while Jack followed. The man got out of the base and fell to his knees. Jack had coughs up, he stepped in front of him.
"Well kid what now?" Jack put his blade around the man's neck.
"I'll do what you did to my loved ones."
"Okay then tell my son I love him." He whispered. However it was too late so Jack slit his throat. The man's blood gushed all over the ground.
"Wait what!?" Jack tried to cover the man's throat from bleeding from what he heard."

    He gave up knowing it was too late. He got up to catch with the crew but, they beat him to it. They looked at him with his blood covered hands.
"Well he's gone." Jack said with a smile to make everything look good in the end.
"Jack. Jack! Jack! Jack!" The group said continuously.

"Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack!

Remember revenge or lust ruins a man.
To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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