fangirl probs

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dont you dare skip this I'm talking!!!!!!!!

readers I was just watching the scorpion king 2

and they had the minotaur!

I fangirled thinking of percy Jackson!

but the minotaur was AWFUL!

like. . . . . . YOU COULD BARELY SEE IT!😲😫😭

and minotaurs have bad hearing AND eyesight!

but this one didnt!

and it made me so mad because they didnt kill it like percy did -_- 😩😲😤😤😠😠😬😬😑😢😞😟😲😲😲😖😭😭🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

the movie was pretty OK #i guess 😶

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