Story of Them

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2016

Intro: this is a very short story from a while back that is almost a letter to myself. I was told one of the best ways to get over heart brake is to write...write your story. Get all of your feelings out on paper and you begin the start to accepting that things will get better. I've decided to put this out there for anyone who might relate and maybe inspire them to create instead of destroy themselves for things they can't control. it goes...

There is this story forever imprinted in my heart. It's the story of a boy and a girl who fell in love for the first time. It was great and powerful. It burned like a flame and seemed to continue to do so for forever. They thought they would get to see forever together. But as the story goes, it ended. They sought out the brightness of the future they envisioned for themselves but what was once passionate and present turned to worry of the future. There was no denying they loved each other... But they were fearful. The girl loved more than she ever thought she could and she had thought she would never say goodbye to that feeling. She felt it necessary as their lives were heading separate directions that he was better off without her. He didn't agree...but he didn't know her pain. She didn't understand the pain she put him through in the beginning. The love that once burned bright was fleeting. The candle was blown out by fear. And then something happened... They grew up. She realized her mistakes too late and had to learn from them and move on. He felt it best to say goodbye for good and move on. Their love was like the wind and as it blew away she watched. Her heart was broken and so was his. She held on to the hope that one day, if that day ever came...that if a love like that were ever to grace her again, that she would never let it go. She will never forget her first love. What once was bitter memories became sweet and treasured for future days. She said goodbye to yesterday. What they were, where they've been, and what they've been through...will never be forgotten. They will carry them with them forever, though not together. It is the thing they shared solely between themselves and never will again with anyone else. But they will fall again, and another flame with burn...possibly again and again. But they are strong...they won't fall before looking and they will hold on tighter than ever without being afraid. This is how they grew. They are better now. They are better away from each other, but not forever. Nothing is forever...that is the lesson they learned. And they know now that goodbye...also isn't forever. But for now, they will keep growing and learning and loving. Cling to the hope that things get better because if you don't, you're missing out on a life you could be living.

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