Chapter One- Interests

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A/N- There will be two main POVs in this story, but I may add other characters to keep things going. (Alex's POV) & (Hannah's POV) will identify who's view the story is focused on at the time. So, enjoy!

(Alex's POV)
Alex has never been very interested in women. Sure, he's had a few girlfriends here and there, and he did masturbate, but those are just natural things boys do during puberty. He'd never really want a fuck-buddy, but as he got older, he'd gotten more interested in girls at his school and their figures. But he never had the guts to ask one of them out, mainly because he had respect for women and didn't just want a fuck-buddy.

His past relationships consisted of holding hands and hugging, but that was pretty much it. They'd never gotten too intense and always ended after just a month or two (his longest relationship was three months).

Alex was laying on his bed with his earbuds on full blast listening to music while finishing some homework up, when he heard a very faint cry through the sounds of the heavy bass.

He took out an earbud and yelled "Hello?" He waited a minute, and didn't hear a response so he put his earbud back in.

All of a sudden, his door flew open, and revealed his older sister Hannah. She was about 5'5, and had fire red hair. She always wore some sort of thing you'd expect from a girl during summertime, booty shorts (Every. Single. Day.), a tank top, and her black Converse. She had a stunning figure, with perky breasts and a nice, big booty. She had guys drooling over her everyday last school year, but she never seemed to give them much attention.

"Are you even listening to me?" She said, in a rude voice. Alex had been too busy staring at her body to listen to what she was saying. He quickly took out his earbuds and sat up straight.

"Um, I-uh..." He said, lost for words. She rolled her eyes and leaned against the door frame. "Of course you weren't. Dad and mom said that they are leaving me in charge while they're in Denver, and that means I get the car. If you or any of your nerd friends want it, it's $20 per ride."

"What?!" Alex said, mad at the crazy demand to use the family minivan. "That's crazy!" His parents said that they both could use it while they were gone, and she wasn't allowed to just take it for herself. His parents had been planing their annual trip to Denver like they do every year to see family when they presented the option to the two kids to stay home, which they both accepted.

"Too bad, so sad. I'm gonna go hang out with Ashley at the mall. Call if you need anything." She said, twirling around the car keys and walking out of the room. Just as she left, Alex got a great view of that perfect ass jiggling out the door. He felt something down below, and felt himself getting hard. He ran to close the door, and got back in bed. What the fuck? Am I seriously getting hard because of Hannah's ass?! Alex thought to himself. He sat for a minute and cleared his head, making his boner go away. If this is how she's gonna dress around the house for the next two weeks, I better distract myself as much as possible. He put his earbuds back in and spent the rest of the day trying to keep himself occupied.

A/N- I'm gonna be rolling as many chapters as I can today, so hopefully I can get 4-7 quality chapters in. Thanks for reading! (Don't worry, this isn't a one shot or anything like that. It's gonna be an actual story with a plot and lots of chapters. It's not just "You're hot, you're hot, let's fuck, the end." That's not how I write. So yeah, next chapter! :)

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