chapter 4

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           ATTENTION : there are bad words in this chapter.

                                                                 Chapter 4

       " Why do I have to be one of you now?" I had asked  Jeff later in the day when I settled into my new room at the end of the hall. " 'cause you killed someone before. that makes you one of us." Jeff had replied. " Why did you get sent to come and get me ?" I asked him. " Because I take an interest in yo - I mean.....uhhh....." he thought for a moment." Uhhh....Slendy said that I was the best for the job." he said. I thought he looked a little tense, but I ignored it. " Do you want a tour of the manor?" Jeff had asked. " Sure, why not." I replied. Me and Jeff walked down the hallway talking and looking around. When the tour was over, Jeff told me that if I had any questions to go and ask him. I thought that was a little strange of Jeff because he doesn't act this way around other people. So I decided to go and ask Slendy about it. I walked up the hallway about two doors away and knocked on the big black door. "come in" Slendy said. I opened the door and stepped inside. I saw Slendy sitting on his bed reading a book. " Uhh, Slendy, can I ask you about Jeff?" I asked. "Yes, what do you need to know about Jeff?" Slendy asked. " I need to ask you about why Jeff acts weird around me." I said. "Why, Jeff just likes you more than a friend. That's all." he said casually. " Wait a moment..... Jeff likes me?!" I said. " Yes." he said. " Umm......thanks Slender Man." I said and walked out. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!! I have a serial killer falling head over heels for me!!!!!!!!!!!!

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