You see this!? This is my luck!

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Chapter 1: You see this!? This is my luck!

" Omg, Ikr! She is, like, sooooooooo fake! Blah, blah, blah," Said the girls on the corner, their faces a jealousy for Barbie.

I walked past the dark corner, three girls talking at vivid voices with colourful dresses that burned anyone's eyes. I went up the cement stairs, and into the grey hallway of the apartment complex. I raised my black hood up, and entered the old fashioned elevator. I clicked the 8th floor button, and it started to ascend.

" Omg, Ikr! She is, like, soooo fake! Blah, blah, blah," Said another group of girls that entered the elevator. This one, as the others, had skirts short enough to show their bums, and shirts that I was sure they were bras.

" Oh gawd, wut happened to u!" One of them asked, pointing at me. I looked away, my head up and my eyes cold. They stood back, and kept on talking.

" Oh mi gawd, he sings, like, so AWESUMM!" One of them screeched. I winced, and prayed for the elevator to go faster. It didn't.

" Ikr! He's all around the media today!" Another said. I looked at my watch, and then at the elevator's buttons. I didn't play much attention to them. I know what they are talking about. It's always the same cycle.

The elevator finally stopped at my floor. I quickly ran out of it, the girls behind me still talking nothing. I walked down the grey hallways. I stopped at my door, and dug out the keys from my black jacket. Inserting them, I entered into my personal heaven, and took the keys out.

I looked at my apartment. Small, black, with victorian chairs, and a cat around. There was no radio nor television, since everything on the radio is the same, and everything on the television is the same.

Same, same, same, always the same.

I was different, I knew this. I knew this, because I knew it was all the same. Same talks, same music, same shows, same people, same hypocrites. I was different. Unluckily.

Sometimes, I wished I was the same too. Being different means no one will understand you. When I try to talk about true talent, they ignore me. But when I talk about someone that's on the media today, they are all over me. It sickens me.

I walked over to my desk, where my countless of stories were laid on a heap of papers. Some were strewn on the floor, from those attacks I get when I know that I cannot write something that everyone would like. From those attacks that I get when I realize that I am different over, and over, and over again.

I grabbed one, and looked out the window. The yellow sun seemed grey. Everything seemed grey, except the people. They were all cheerful colours, ignoring everything around them except their TV's and radios.

I walked to the window, and pushed it open. 8th floor, eh? Long way down. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll escape from this world. But no, what if I just sprain my ankles. Not worth it. So instead, I threw the paper away.

Fuck this.

I grabbed everything I had. My stories, my drawings, my music, my keyboard, everything, and threw it out of the window. I don't care if it hit someone, I just don't. Another ignorant less.

" Omg, ikr? She is like, sooo- ARGH!" And there was an earsplitting screech. I looked down, and saw the keyboard on top of a girl. And unluckily, it hadn't broken. Damn my luck.

" Oh, I am truly sorry! My cat accidentally pushed the keyboard by far of the window, please forgive me! I will go downstairs and pick it up, I am truly sorry!" I said.

" Wut she say?" One of them asked, and they kept walking, ignoring the one on the floor. I scowled, and hurried downstairs. Stupid.

" Are you alright?" I asked, walking over to the girl on the floor. People walked by, ignoring her, their faces still smiling.

" You're ugly," She croaked. My eyebrow twitched.

" No, I am very beautiful. Unlike you, who places Barbie to shame. I'm just here for my piano, I mean, keyboard," I said, and picked the keyboard up, leaving her bloodied and messed on the floor. Her parents won't notice anyways.

Hurrying up to my apartment, I closed the door. And then, I realized, that all of the papers I had thrown away were stuck under one of the keys in the keyboard. All of them. All of my stories were safe and sound under the unharmed keyboard. Love, I just wanted to kill myself.

But noooo. Looks like destiny has some other plans. Yay me. Probably something cliché, like, I'm gonna be the hero of this society and bring them all out of their caves. Pfft, yeah right.

I walked over to my desk, and placed the whole keyboard there. I took out a screwdriver, and proceeded to dismantle the key and get the goddamned papers out.

" The sun's gone dim,

The sky's turned black,

'cause I loved him,

And he didn't love back," Something sang. My heart stopped, and I looked around. I looked back at my keyboard, and then back at my apartment.

" Hullo?" I asked.

" The sun's gone dim,

The sky's turned black,

'cause I loved him,

And he didn't love back," The voice was smooth and… real. Unlike the radio, who was all auto-tuned and crap. This one was the real shit!

" Hello? Who's there?" I asked, leaving my piano, and walking to my bedroom. I pushed the door, and turned the lights on.

" Hello sweety, I'm your luck," Said a male. He was sitting on the bed, his clothes different from all of the other boys, but his hair still spiky and blond, but a fringe covered his right eye.

" HOLY SHIT!" I screamed, clutching my hear

Luckier than an Irish on St. Patrick's DayWhere stories live. Discover now