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    @JamieDuthie7   So like I said guys I'll be posting all night and probably tomorrow as well so...yea UH here you go Jamie. And believe me when I say this will be a piece of cake for me to write cause it will be like putting me in your shoes as we seem very similar... ok anyways here ya go hun!

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Your POV $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

      Crap! I was running late. Jiminy is goin to Kill me. If  I don't die first. Cause I might not make it with the darkness behind me. Also I'm not that fast or good of a runner. I soon saw the  diner in front of me. t should be a safe place right? Yes. I ran inside and hurriedly pulled out a piece of paper only to have it ripped out of my hands.

    "What the hell man?! I need that to sur-Pan." I stood up quickly and backed up a good five feet. " What? You need this to what? " He smirked as he ripped my paper into pieces. I just watched in horror. You see, I'm the artist. But not just any artist, the artist, You know, the one who drew all the pictures in the storybook. Whatever I draw I can make real. Quite handy sometimes.

    I still hand my pen in my hand so I ripped up my sweater sleeve and started to draw on my arm. Before I could finish the weapon though, Pan grabbed my arm, spun me around and slammed me facedown on one of the tables. The last thing I saw was his smirk before the room was plunged into darkness. But none seemed to creep into it. Thank god it was a safe place. But even though it was safe from the suffocating darkness (literally) I wasn't safe with him here and nothing to protect myself with.

     My blonde hair was strewn al over the table that I was practically glued to. Must be some kind of magic cause I can hear  him pacing the room talking about random things. Like who cares about the weather if it pitch black out side. Yet somehow I was still able to see him. don't know how and really don't care. If I was stuck in total darkness I might have gone insane.

     "-and then felix shot the bear and I soon got a marvelous new fur coat. ( really warm during the winters) and we had a fabulous feast that night.,,," and so on and so on. WTF is he talking about?! I don't know anymore and I'm not sure if I want to.I  was too focused on trying to stand up straight. This was killing my back. "Oh Jamie dear, don't try to hard, it is probably one of the best spells I can do, A binding spell that is." I started to whine slightly. " Oh come on. what do you think I could do to you. and also why to a table? In the most uncomfortable position possible!" I complained. He looked back and smiled at me. After walking towards me, he lifts my chin up with his finger and looks me in the eyes. His green ones into my blue ones. " But Jamie dear, I quite like you in that position. Quite. cute." He laughed lightly when he saw me pout. 'Fine, fine I'll let you stand up." He chuckled and snapped his fingers, immedietly releasing the weight that had seemed to be keeping me down. " Thank you sir" I said as I stretched. " You are welcome but now I desire something only you can give me." I stopped mid-yawn. 'Of course he wants something. Guy cant do anything nice without wanting something in return' I mentally shook my head before asking " And what would that be?"

   Half expecting him to say something along the lines of drawing, I preoared myself to tell him no and give a certain number of reasons why when he said something that made me stop in my tracks. " What I want little Jamie dear, is you." What. the. actual...? If There had been light in the room, then he would have been able to see my blushing face. But again, it was pitch black except for him. He suddenly got really close and tilted my head up to look at him. "So what do you think babe? Can I have you? Can I be your first kiss? Your first everything?" He asked suddenly very serious. "Is...Is this your way of asking me out?!" I asked. He chucked huskily " I guess you could say that. If it makes you feel better hun." I thought about it for a minute. He really hasn't done much to me, other than tear up my paper and practically glue me to a table.-.- I looked back up at him. When I looked into his eyes I saw a sliver of hope that I would say yes.

       " OK-" He smiled,"but I have a favor to ask of you." He looked at me questioningly. "Don't use my power for your purposes." I looked him hard in the eye and he just smiled sincerely back. " Don't worry, I wont do that." And then he kissed me.


 So I hope you guys like this and IK that I sorta lied about the "Ill update in  minutes thing." So sorry about that but I got slightly stuck and my friend called so...hehe. But anyways Jamie I hoped you liked this! Ill update another 2 or 3 oneshots tomorrow, or later today as it is already one o clock and I'm dead tired as I went on a date today (weirdest thing EVER) But had fun verall and I hope you continue to like this book and that you continue to read, like and coment as it means so much to hear from yall so don't forget to do that. BTW this update was almost 1000 words lol!


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