Peter Pan x Reader One-Shot Part 1

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Ok so i thought that i  would try on for you and this is what i came up with.......

Y/N pov

    "Emily, wait up!" I yelled, trying to catch up with my big sister, who is 15 and me 12.

  " no way just leave me alone!" She stopped running and turned around to face me," No one love you so why are you here, Mom and Dad hate you and so do I, Why re you even ALIVE!?" She screamed at me runnng away. I stood there with my h/c hair was whipping around me in the wind. How could she say that?

    I slumped to the floor and the tears started running down my face. Slow at first but the they came faster until I was full on sobbing. 'How pathetic am I? I cant even get up the strength to go and run after her, to tell she is wrong and to go home with her. Ha yea how pathetic' I smiled bitterly at the thoughts running through my head, ' Well might as well learn to live on the streets of  (your town) If not I'll probably die.'   I started to laugh and slowly got up, dieing wasnt that bad of an idea, now that I think of it. I walked slowly, I would die but it seemed like so much work so I wasnt going to try.Might as well live.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 4 Years later @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

     " Oi get the hell away from me!" I yelled at the drunk man trying to get 'some' *yuck* 

    " Oh come on babe you know you want some of this" He slurred " Yeah you wish" I kicked him in the groin and ran.

  The past few years have been hard, I have met some nice people and then some people like that dude. I actually have an Iphone that I love with all my heart. A year after my sister left me on the streets, I met a woman named Emma Swan and she was the nicest out  of everyone. She understood what I was going through unlike most, they just sympathized me and I Hate that.

   After running for atleast a mile, I stopped in an abandoned alley. As I'm trying to catch my breath, I remember something someone said to me a few years back, when I was a child. They said that if your not feeling loved or not liking my family, there was a place I could go, only way to get there was you had to say two special words. Still catching my breath, I breathd out the words " I..... Believe"

 I felt a rush of cold air and something had picked me up by my arm , flying me way from where we were and through the air. I screamed as my h/l h/c hair flew everywhere.  Sooner than I expected I saw an Island and gasped, remebering the story.

     "Neverland" The words escaped my lips with out me even realizing it. A few minutes later We landed and the shadow (as I saw it) droppe me in the middle of the forest and it just dissappered.

   "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" I tuned around towards the sound of the voice, to find, may i say, a rather hot  boy standing in front of me. I was speachless as I looked him up and down, he had essy brown hair, green eyes, as rather tall, (taller than me) and was wearing the weirdest clothes ever.....


  Wassup? so how was it ?? I know dont worry I will make a part 2. But also when you request can you tell me if you know thim or if your meeting them. Sometime soon I will update that but i just dont feel like it. Alos If you lie Soul eater or Fullmetal alchemist can you please go check out my other two books? That would be lovely thanks love or better yet recommend someone you know that likes them to red it. Also If there are any men on ere I wil be happy to write one for you too doll. ;) Anyways





Thank you and love you lways BYR-BYE LOVLIES - strawberry_chan🍓 

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