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Hello there!

"Yes mum, I'll call you later," Louis rolled his eyes, gazing through an expansive window at the busy streets below him. He thought about tossing the phone down there too; annoyed with his mother's nagging, but decided against it.

They exchanged 'I love you's' and finally Louis was able to press the 'end' button.

He shook his head, walking away from the windows and resuming the episode of How I met you mother that he started two hours ago. Harper begged him to give it a watch, but so far he wasn't seeing the appeal, though he'd do anything for Harper. Just the mention of her name brought a smile to Louis' lips.

He remembers the day they met like it was yesterday. He was staying at his cousins country club for the summer, playing a game of tennis when she drove by on a light blue golf cart, her golden hair ruffled by the light wind.

Like all cliché love stories, the two locked eyes and the rest was history. They spent the entire summer together, and by August Louis had asked her to move in with him. Sure they'd only known each other for two months, but Louis was convinced she was the one.

Harper was smart though, unlike the spontaneous boy, and declined the offer. Instead, she moved four blocks away in a condo a bit smaller than Louis'.

Looking back, Louis was glad she didn't accept his offer. As much as he loved his girlfriend, he adored his own space, and Harper could get a bit...overbearing sometimes.

Just as he was about to finish the bland episode flashing across the TV, Louis heard a knock on his door.
He threw his head back, irritated with all the interruptions.

"It's open!" he shouted, cringing as his voice cracked.

Louis knew it was Liam before the broad man took ten steps into the penthouse.

They had plans.

"You forgot?" His assistant/ best friend guessed, watching Louis scramble to clean himself up.

"Had a lot on my mind-" Louis replied, pulling on a pair of dress pants. "Did we miss the reservations?"
Liam let out an amused scoff, grabbed Louis' Armani jacket from the closet, and held it up for he could slip his arms through the holes.

"We would've if you didn't have the best assistant ever."

"I owe you one."

And Louis meant it. Honestly, he wouldn't be anywhere near where he was today without the help from his best friend.

When he first arrived in London, Louis knew he wanted to go into advertising. Commercials, billboards, the whole shabang. It was what he went to university for anyways, and Louis could be quite persuasive when he wanted to be.

Unfortunately, finding a job was a bit harder than Louis was prepared for, and the young boy soon found himself homeless and afraid.

Liam came into his life at just the right time and offered him a place to live until he got back on his feet.

Louis could never repay him for that.

Now, they rode in the back of a black Mercedes, heading towards the restaurant where the first met.

Once the car pulled up at the curb, Louis payed his driver a few pounds, (pocket change to him, but most likely lottery winnings for the gruffy man.) They strolled inside, taking in the sensual atmosphere.

Liam booked them a table in the back, secluded from the rest of the customer's. The two had a lot to discuss and would rather not speak in the company of prying eyes.

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