Prologue- Piper

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Piper's POV:

Call me Piper. My last name is not necessary.

Neither is any of my information, though I suppose repeating these words is the only thing that keeps me sane in this hellhole.

I am 18 years old. I am a woman. I am beautiful.

And I'm not boasting or being arrogant. It's just simply stating a fact. That is one of the powers they use me for. Men are easily corrupted by a woman's beauty.

S. E. C. R. E. T. S trained me to distract and persuade. So that's what I do best.

Distract and persuade.

Persuasion is not something that comes as a challenge to me.

I can ask a government spy for top secret information, as easily as I can talk a teacher into giving me the day off as sick.

I was taken by S. E. C. R. E. T. S when I was only 13. There is no one else like me or with powers, that I know off.

If someone else had powers, I would rethink everything I'm doing. If they have others with powers why would they need me?

But S. E. C. R. E. T. S told me that I was the only one, therefore they needed me to survive in order to save the world.

I was their only hope for mankind.

I am their freak.

But for years I have thought of nothing else but, survive.

Survive their little games. Tests. 

Survive never seeing the outside world again.

If you've been wondering, then you've probably guessed it. I am Piper McLean. Daughter of Tristan McLean.

But that was before S. E. C. R. E. T. S.

That was before I knew the truth that the world was in danger.

And only I could save it.

Not as Piper McLean with fame and fortune.

But as Project 0603.

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