Peasant Boy (Prince!Louis and Peasant!Harry)

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Different people live their lives in different ways.

Some people only need family to be happy, others need everything to be satisfied.

Harry is a genuinely happy person with almost nothing.

Louis is a bitter person with almost everything.

The self-less curly-haired lad and the selfish fringe-haired lad weren't supposed to ever meet.

They lived in two seperate worlds.


                It was Sunday, and Harry was out searching for food like he did at the beginning of every week. His family didn't exactly have the money to buy food every day, nor did they have the equipment or land to grow there own,

                Instead, Harry searched garbage cans and begged for food on street corners. He didn't mind, really, he didn't. Begging wasn't beneath him, but then again, he was at the bottom. No one was beneath a peasant.

                 Harry's family was homeless. It was him, his sister, and his mum, and he had to provide for them. He found them temporary homes, occasionally staying in one of the towns folk's houses, but most of the time sleeping at a park or under a tree.

                 They'd been homeless since Harry was old enough to remember, but his mother said before he was born they used to live in a nice little home. Harry felt guilty, but knew it wasn't his fault, it was the switching of kingdoms and it was inevitable.

                 The old King, King Simon, had passed away, and since they had no children to carry on, they had gotten one of his very distant cousins to run the place. That was well over a decade ago, but the transition was still rocky.

                   The new Queen, Queen Jay, was nice and polite. She cared about the lowly people, and she had already given many of Harry's peasant friends' homes and such, but there was only so much she could do by herself.

                   Harry had met her on occassion. Well, not met her, but seen her in parades and such. Harry knew she'd one day save her family, but for now, he had to deal with it himself.

                 He stopped outside one of the elderly lady's houses, smiling when he saw she had left out a few pieces of crust from one of her home-made pizza's for Harry to take. He grabbed them, shoving them in his burlap sack and continueing down the alley that lead to the back of all the houses.

                  Digging through one of the trash cans, he let out a louid squeal of joy when he found an old dress, one with a slit down the side and stains all arond the waist area. He knew his mother would love it, she'd love any kind of clothing he could get.

                   Harry was wearing one of his only three outfits. A pair of black skinny pants which his mother had sewn for him (So they had black leather pouches on the knees to grow as he did.) and a white v-neck shirt with the collar ripped up.

                    His hair that hadn't been washed for three weeks now was hidden behind a blue beanie, one of recent finding. It would help keep him warm at night, but he'd probably end up giving it to his mother or sister to keep them warm.

                   The sun was just starting to rise, but Harry knew this day wouldn't be any different. He would go home and his mother would still be smiling and Gemma would be talking about her big plans to go to Uni in America and Harry would be happy.

That's what he THOUGHT would happen.


                   It was Sunday, and Louis was feasting at the huge breakfast like always. He had on his thin, silky red bathrobe, tied over his perfectly-tailored pajamas that cost more than most of the peoples houses in the kingdom.

                   "Mum, she stole my drink!" Phoebe yelled, but Daisy just stayed sitting straight in her seat. (Daisy really loved her 'princess' classes).

                   "Well, ask one of the nice people to get you a new one, or go get one yourself." Jay responded, chuckling at her youngest two as she sipped for her tea.

                  The castle (Louis hated that word, it sounded like some dumb fairytale rather than his actual life.) was quiet, Jay ruling that most of the 'employees' (Servants) in the house could rest in on Sundays, leaving Jay to cook and have a private breakfast with her children.

                  "I was hoping that I could take the twins to the stores today." Lottie said, taking a spoonful of breakfast soup and sipping it quietly.

                   "You just want to see the cute boy at the vegetable stand!" Fizzy yelled, and soon the two girls were fighting.

                   Louis disconnected from the conversation, staring down at his food with loathing. He didn't care where his sisters went, or who they talked to. Louis stayed in the castle, not wanting to deal with any of the people who were filthy or just plain idiotic.

                Bitterly, he stabbed a fork through the grapefruit and took a bite before standing up and excusing himself. He stormed up the stairs, pushing past one of the butlers so he could head to the balcony.

                   Louis loved being a prince, he knew that he deserved it. He had an elegance that most people couldn't even dream of, and he had poise. He thought everyone was beneath him if they weren't a Tomlinson or another royal family.

                     Sighing, he slid open the door and walked onto the balcony, leaning against the white fencing and sighing. The balcony was one of Louis' least favourite places, but he needed the fresh air.

                    He could see the entire kingdom, everything from the tip of the castle to the edge where the filthy peasants live. Right outside the castle's gates were the markets, the small shopping area that the kingdom had.

                  As Louis stared down, something- or more specifically, someone- caught his eye. He had just expected to stay in all day, maybe help his other with some business and sleep. A relaxing, boring day.

That's what he THOUGHT would happen.


Two seperate worlds.

Two different boys.

Louis never meant to notice the peasant boy, and Harry definitely never meant to be noticed.

Then again, I suppose that's fate.


Hello my curlies!

So, this chapter is dedicated to the girl who requested this idea. Also, the italics will be...narration. I'm trying something new, so. Hope you enjoy!

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Peasant Boy (Prince!Louis and Peasant!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now