Chapter Two

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Hey guys! Quick update this time. :) Do me a favor and tell me what you think of this? Is it good? Bad? just let me know?

Chapter 2

“So Jimmy boy, “ The teams star kicker, Max, calls from down the row of lockers, shirtless as he wipes sweat from his body so he can wear normal clothes home. Castiel rolled his eyes at his teammates annoying use of his middle name as he packs his padded gear into his locker and gathers his stuff. He already wore a short sleeved shirt under his gear so he wouldn’t have to undressed fully in front of his team. He was too worried they would notice the large amount of scrapes and bruises on his body-too many to explain fully. Thankfully his legs were clean enough for him to change into his jeans before leaving. That was his routine each day. Get into the lockers before anyone else to change into his gear in silence and be the first to leave wearing his cleats so the walk home wasn’t as rough on his feet. As long as he could get his jacket on quick enough no one noticed the bruised arms of their linebacker and no questions were asked.

 “What do you want, Max?”

“What do you think of the new kid? Dean? Looks like an easy target, huh?” Max is grinning along with Nicolai starts to snicker in a sinister sort of way that makes Cas frown deeper.  

“I can’t wait to get my hands on that punk. The little shit thinks he’s just so cool,” He mocks, a grin on his face.

“Who are you guys talking about?” Ben pipes up, always eager to start things in the school halls.

“This new kid in our History class. Thinks he’s just the shit,” Max explains.

“Yeah, thinks he’s all bad ass or something. He was either sleeping or flirting with someone the entire class.”

“Damn, those guys are the worse,” Ben adds

Because I’m sure that was hindering you not paying attention. Cas though, rolling his eyes as he shut the door of his locker. Sadly, this brought the boys attention back to him.

“So Cas, you gonna whoop the kids ass?” Max asks, his gang of two now turned towards him also.

“You know I don’t like violence,” He mutters, zipping up his bag. “I mean, who cares if he wasn’t paying attention in class. You were probably sexting your girlfriend anyway so it didn’t affect you.” Max turned a shade of red from either embarrassment or anger and the boys around them laughed. This confused Cas, he didn’t mean for that to be funny. “And he hasn’t done anything wrong, so why beat him up?”

“Ah, Cas. Still young and innocent,” Nicolai says, ruffling the linebackers hair as he passed on his way out the door, backpack swung over his back. “You don’t need a reason to beat someone up. The punk deserves it.”

“I’m five months older than him,” Cas mumbles in confusion, but didn’t stop as he left the locker room.  He checked the time and sighed, knowing his uncle hadn’t yet left for the nightshift and his parents weren’t yet home from work. The only good news would be the fact Lucifer, his older brother, wouldn’t yet be back from class. He cursed the day that his brother had decided to go to a collage close enough to home that he didn’t have to dorm there. He also cursed his parents for letting him-not that he’d let them hear. There wouldn’t be any cursing in his home, it was a sign of the devil.

As he walked home, Cas thought back to how much begging it had taken him before his parents allowed him to join public school in his junior year, even though he already knew ten times as much as the school could teach him after the teens homeschooling. However, he wanted two years to be allowed the experience of a typical teen before he would go into collage. His parents were fighting against it with every bone they had, but once Lucifer got accepted into not one, but four pubic collages and no private christen collages-his name might have had something to do with it-they had no feet to stand on.  Thus Castiel was enrolled in the local school.

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