Chapter 7

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Dedicated to TheTimelessClock for the epic new description and helping with weird words! Read her book, it's amazing! xD

Sorry it took so long and its short. The evil writers block had struck again. Comment, vote and fan! Love you guys!


There are days when sleeping in and missing school is complete bliss, and then there are days when sleeping in and missing school makes you want to bang your head against a brick wall.

Today it was the latter.

I couldn't believe I had missed out on getting a ride to school with Noah. Why the hell hadn't dad woken me up? Leaving me what was practically an essay telling me that Noah had dropped by and saying I should be careful when alone with him? Sure, no problem. But waking me up? Of course not. It was so typically dad.

But on the other hand, this may be a good thing. At least I'd get a chance to clean up the mess in my room and work on my damn english assignment.

But first, I needed coffee.

Five minutes later, I was sitting on my fathers rolling desk chair computer desk in his office, coffee cup filled with liquid brown goodness by my side.

I slowly sipped my coffee as I turned the computer on and pulled up a word document. At the top of the page I typed "English Assignment: Short Story". And then I just sat there and stared at the screen.

I hate writing.

I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated. How the hell was I meant to concentrate when all I could think about was Noah's lips and creepy stalkers sneaking into me room?

Pushing off of the desk, I spun myself around on the chair, watching the bookshelves and clutter around me turn into a blur. A huge smile plastered itself across my face.

When I came to a stop, I was directly facing the computer screen. The Google search engine in the top right hand corner of the screen caught my attention and my curiosity sparked. Who could it hurt?

With a shrug, moved the mouse over the text box and clicked. Slowly I typed "Seakyr", and clicked search.

The first link was to some guys YouTube page; the rest were even more useless. I tried "Chaengyr", but the best it came up with was some sort of hotel booking.

Annoyed, I drummed my fingers randomly over the keys and pressed search. "ageiebsb/7::,!/@:Shang!:J's" came up with better results.

"Why don't you try "Taevas"?" a voice came from behind me.

I spun around slowly and my eyes found Dexter, propping his shoulder casually against the door frame. How long had he been there? He somehow managed to make our gay school uniform look hot.

"Again? Really? I swear I locked the door this time," I frowned, attempting to distract myself. Yeah, it didn't work.

"You did. I picked lock," he grinned mischievously.

I blinked. Lovely, he was a professional burglar or something. I didn't really want to think about that; he'd already been through my personal draws once. "What's Tevas mean?"

"Taevas," he corrected my pronunciation. "It's Estonian for heaven. It's the name of all of the clubs."

"Huh." I turned back to the keyboard and typed "Ta" before glancing over my shoulder for help.

He rolled his eyes and strode forward, typing the rest, with what I presumed was the correct spelling. He pressed search.

I frowned at the screen. "It's just a lot of stuff in Estonian and some guys blog."

"Yeah, there never is much. People do periodic checks on the Internet though and get anything dangerous taken down." Huh, how do they manage that? He stared the keyboard for a moment before quickly clicking some keys. When I looked back to the screen he'd typed in "Drygioni". "It means evil in Welsh," he said, catching my confused look.

My eyebrows must have been part of my hairline. "Why do you want to know about Welsh evil?" I asked as he quickly skimmed the results.

He through a glance my way. "I don't. It's kind of a long story," I opened my mouth to ask more but he interrupted me. "Just leave it, OK? I'll explain later," he snapped sharply.

"Okaaaaaaay," I drew out the word.

"So why aren't you at school?" he asked, leaning his butt against the desk edge.

I got it; subject change. "Slept in," I shrugged. I glanced down at his uniform clad body. "You ditching?"

"Yeah. Got curious when you didn't attempt to run me over again," his smirk was joking. "I mean, I got worried, seeming you'd never pass up a ride with Noah unless you were missing a limb." He checked me over. "And yet, here you are in one piece. Guess you did sleep in." He spun me around a little on the chair.

My face turned beet red. "Well, it's not my fault I thought someone was stalking me and couldn't sleep."

He straightened up, suddenly very serious. I didn't think Dexter could get this serious. It was kinda startling. "Why would you think someone was stalking you?" his tone was urgent.

"My room..." I trailed off. He was already gone, striding towards room.

I followed at my own pace. When I reached my doorway I found Dexter standing in the middle of my trashed room, turning in a circle slowly to take everything in. He stopped when her faced me. His eyebrows were knit together tightly. "What happened?"

"I found it this way after you dropped me off."

"Oh," he circled once more. He was worrying me. So it really wasn't his idea of a practical joke? Or was he just playing me further? Somehow I now doubted it was him. He wouldn't take it this far. And I would bet the measly funds in my bank account that he couldn't act worth shit.

"Hey!" he said just a little too cheerfully, proving that he would suck as an actor. Suck that, you owe me $210 Dexter! Or, well, he would if I had actually made the bet. Too bad. "I have a great idea!"

"Oh, do tell," I said, just as cheerfully, mocking him.

The totally fake smile that he had plastered over his face turned into a scowl. "Shut up. I won't tell you now."

"Oh, just tell me you baby!" Stupid ghost whispering boys.

The smile returned. "I reckon you should practice reading my mind."

And how could I say no to that?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2011 ⏰

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