Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I lost. He beat me.
The only thoughts that were going through my head.

Not paying attention to the unnecessary time Will was taking to get off of me, the fuming Alec coming our way, or even the arrogant smirk on Will's face.

He beat me.

I played the fight over, and over again in my head. Not understanding how a non ranking wolf had managed to beat me. I was one of the best at what I did.

The realization tore me apart. I couldn't protect myself.
I now looked up into the face of the man that had taken my pride away from me. He was standing above me in his rightful place. He was holding his hand down to me.
And this picture symbolized so much for me. I was on the ground, at my weakest point. I had two ways to getting back up. I could take the easy way out, relying on someone else to put the pieces back together, seeking help. Or, the hard way, relying on myself, only myself, to get it together, to prove just how strong I was.

At that moment I didn't care that it was the "polite" thing to do in taking his hand. I got up myself.
That just caused Will's smile to get bigger, he looked at me with curiosity clear in his eyes.

By the time I was standing looking Will in the eye, with him still smirking back at me, Alec had made his way over.
I then noticed Will taking steps back. His smirk was gone and there was a hint of fear in his eyes. He didn't take his eyes off Alec, who was glaring bullets at Will.
Alec then came to stop directly in front of me.
I heard Jason, Brent and Devin making there way over, quickly might I add.
"Back. Off." A animalistic, pissed off Alec growled at Will, who was now taking much quicker steps backwards.
I didn't feel like I was all there. I could hear everything around me, but I wasn't comprehending it.
I was still lost in my own mind.
"Chloe?" Alec now turned to me, worry etched on his face. "Sweetheart, are you ok?"
I didn't respond. I couldn't find my voice to do so.
"Chloe?" I heard Devin say.
Alec cupped my face in his hand and tilted it up to look at him. He then rested his other hand on my hip. I winced, that was enough to bring me out of my shock. Alec quickly pulled his hand away, now looking down at my hip and leg with more worry.
I still wasn't putting much weight on my hurt leg. I could feel my bones starting to heal.
Alec carefully pulled up the bottom of my shirt to look at my hip. It was black and purple, but I could already see the little bit of green coming in, signaling that I was healing.
Alec's eyes got darker the second he saw the bruise, and he began to growl. He started to turn towards where Will was, but I stopped him by grabbing his arm before he could.
"I'm fine. I can already feel it healing, I should be good to go in the next ten minutes."
I was still holding on to his arm, and trying to ignore the tingles igniting where our skin touched.
"He only did what he was supposed to do. You knew there was a chance something like this would happen."
I couldn't believe I was worried about other people right now when I was in this state of mind.
Huh, maybe I will make a good Luna.

Alec took a deep breath in, in an attempt to calm himself.
I figured the only reason Alec wasn't going after Will was because he allowed it to happen, and really, Will didn't do anything wrong. The others were standing around watching the situation unfold. Not to mention we had about eleven other wolves standing around that I didn't even know. Devin was looking at my bruises with he's eyebrows frowning together, looking concerned. I could tell he wanted to reach out to me, but he wouldn't dare with Alec there.

"Training is done for the day, you can all go back to your houses." Alec spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

Soon only the 5 of us were left.
"Are you sure you're ok? I can call Jack back." Alec said with worried eyes.
"No, I don't need a doctor for a minor injury like this."
"Why don't we sit you down till you feel up to walking back?" Devin suggested.
"Yeah, that's fine."
We walked over to the bench, the whole way Alec had both his hands holding my elbows and the rest of the guys were looking at me as if I was some old lady about to fall over at any minute.
"Guys, stop looking so worried, I'm fine." Physically.
But, I wouldn't dare add that in. Some might say I was acting like a sore loser. But, fighting, and winning, always gave me more confidence. I felt I didn't need to be afraid, because I could take care of myself.
But now, I didn't feel the same.
It was clear what I had to do. Train my hardest, get better, and then challenge Will again.
"Is it so bad that we care about you?" Brent asked.
"Well you guys make it seem like I'm bleeding out my guts or something."
Brent and Jason chucked at that, but Alec and Devin didn't even smile.
Alec was still looking at my hip and leg, as if they would disappear.
Devin on the other hand was paying no attention to my injuries, at least not on the outside.
He could tell.
Devin knew my only weakness was my mind. My pride had taken the greatest injury, as well as my self assurance.
And now when he stared at me strait on, we didn't even have the need to mind link. The message was loud and clear right on his face, 'we're going to talk'.

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't think I've ever seen someone pose that much of a challenge for Will before." Jason said.


"So he's never lost?"
"No. He's our best warrior." Brent said
Oh so he must be captain. That made me feel a little bit better about him beating me. At least he wasn't a non-ranking wolf.
"So he's the captain?"
"No, he's just one of the officers." Brent answered.
"I thought you said he was your best warrior?"
"He is, but he didn't want to be captain."
Didn't want to be? It is a natural instinct for any werewolf to be as high ranking in a pack as possible, and for Will to be offered a higher ranking position and turn it down was just..... strange. There was something weird about him.

I turned my attention back to my hip and leg, now not feeling any pain. The bones had healed and the bruising was almost gone.
"Alright," I said standing up, "I'm good to go"
"Are you sure?" Alec asked.
"So you're good to go back to the house?" he asked.
"Yeah, that's fine."
"Alright then, it was very nice meeting you, Chloe. Hope to see you again soon." Jason said, offering me a smile, which I returned.
"Same, and I'm sure I'll be back for some more training."
I saw the frown that formed onto Alec's face when I said that.
"That's what I like to hear."


By the time we had gotten back to the house it was dusk.
I was headed up to my room when Alec stopped me on the staircase.
"I know your getting annoyed with me worrying, but are you sure your alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." It was kind of sweet that he cared that much, but then again that's how mates are.
"You were amazing today. I have to admit I was impressed." He spoke honestly.
I felt my face heat up and my smile appeared no matter how hard I tried to suppress it.
"Thanks. But I still couldn't beat Will."
I saw Alec's eyes get a little darker at the mention of what happened.
"I didn't really expect you to beat him." He admitted.
I was taken aback. Did he doubt me? The offense must have shown on my face, because Alec spoke up.
"Not because of you, it's just his skill, not many in this pack could beat him in a fight."
I nodded my head in understanding.
"I couldn't help noticing, when Devin was being tested for his place in the pack Will was near the top of the line, but he didn't even look up at Devin. But, when I fought him today, he seemed a lot more dominate then his place in the pack calls for. "
Alec seemed like he was more in thought and choosing his words carefully.
"He doesn't like the idea of being higher up in a pack, holding more responsibility."
"But that's not natural."
"That's just the way he is."
I knew something was going on with Will. He seemed like a powerful wolf, he put out a essence that called for attention, yet he didn't want it.
I wasn't sure if I was putting too much thought into this, or becoming too obsessed with the idea, with him.
"Why don't you get some rest? I'll see you in the morning."
"Ok, goodnight." I smiled up at him. He truly was gorgeous, dark brown eyes, jet black hair that feel messily just above his eyes, kissable lips. Not to mention his killer body.
"Goodnight, Chloe." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I almost wanted to sigh at the sweet gesture.
Wait.. What!? What is happening to me?

I took off up the stairs and made my way towards my room. Just before I turned the doorknob Devin contacted me.
'Meet me in the living room at eleven.'
I would finally be able to talk alone with him.
'I'll be there.'


Hello my lovely readers. I apologize for the late update. I'm going to be completely honest, I've been getting distracted because I have an idea for another book that I really want to write. But, I refuse to start writing it because I haven't finished this one or even started the sequel.
SO, I guess I'm just going to suck it up and wait until I'm done with these.
Anyway, I love reading all of your comments! It's nice to see what other people think of the story, and I am completely open to constructive criticism. I promise you I read each and every comment posted.
I hope you all like Will, your going to see more of him;)
Also someone asked for my twitter and Instagram, don't have a twitter but my Instagram is: tessa_leena
Again sorry for the late update!

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