My Stereotypical Life as a Teen

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This is my new story. Umm, it might be a bit boring but that's only because it's the first chapter. The second should be better, I promise!! Enjoy! Comment, vote please!



My Stereotypical Life as a Teen: Chapter 1

I heard the snickers in front of me. Oh God, what are they talking about now? I seriously hated my schooling at Knackerville High. I loved my electives and all and the teachers were actually pretty tolerable but the kids? Oh no, them, I pretty much want to kill.

There were your jocks. Sporty little losers who knew nothing else about the real world. Then your Bitches. They didn't do cheerleading since that is so not our school. They're like "hot" tomboys. Not only do they match perfectly with the guys but they're bitches! Causing fights within their little group. Hectic! Get over yourselves, I say. Then there are your nice nerds. The super smart people that were actually bearable. Then the . . . Freaks. They're strange, freaky, annoying and wannabes. Sometimes I wanna choke them. Then their's your . . . Random group. A group consisted of fun, random weirdos who are obssessed with Twilight. Then you have your mediocre boys, boys who played handball but are either annoying or nice. We also have a super nice people group. A group of girls where they don't say anything bad about anyone, or so we think. Last but not least,the group of girls that all the unwanted go to. Of course they formed this group but it kept getting bigger. It's where people who have problems with their own group (insert the Bitches crew members) and join this group for a day then . . . go back. The group was nice enough to tolerate it but I know they hate being a reject group. Then there's me. I don't really know or care about what people think of me, as long as they keep it in their tiny little head. It's the usual names that get to me though. Emo, freak, goth, punk and whatever the hell it was they called me.

Soon enough the little note came around my way. It read:

"Does any1 kno if Chris is going out wit any1?

Nope. Nah. Maybe. Don't think so. Hope not! XD"

I looked behind me to see who would pass such a childish note. Chris? Meaning Chris Patingston? Please. That guy would be considered "leader" of the jocks, along with his bromance partner, Liam McJonathan. They were both insanely up theirselves but had only dated girls once or twice, so really, they weren't players just asses. So whoever this chick was certainly had her hopes pretty high. Wait, this chick was actually stupid enough to pass around this note when Chris was in this class? Unbelievable. I scoffed, not noticing the whole class' eyes were on me. Not to mention, Mr. Haywerth. Great.

"Would you like reading out that note, or shall I?" He offered.

"Whatever. It's not mine," I said in a deep tone, with an eyebrow raised.

The teacher clenched his teeth and read the note aloud. "Does anyone know if Chris is going out with anyone? Nope, nah, maybe, don't think so, hope not, ex, dee," Mr. H read, looking super confused at the "ex, dee". I rolled my eyes.

"Not mine," I said again. I looked behind me and surely enough Janet, Kaylie and Heather were blushing and snickering. Joke? God, they're more messed up than I thought. I looked at Chris who was now smirking at me. WTF? Did I have to tell everyone, "not mine" again, because they obviously thought (except for the girls and people who answered) that I had been the one asking people. Like I think Chris Patingston is dateable!

Ok, I had to admit that sometimes he wasn't as cocky as the other guys. Not as stupid (behaviour wise) but sometimes he was worse as well. There was actually a time when I liked him, when we talked. Then we grew up. Hormones (his), me and black clothes and my "makeover". So yeah. My friends (yes as amazing as it is I actually have them) keep saying that if I went for him when he liked me I might've had a chance. Yeah, at what? Being brainwashed? Another dumpee? A jock's GF? A girlie girl? Popular? Please. I didn't really need that. Or want it.

Soon class was dismissed, thank God. I grabbed my books and headed outside as Mr. Hayswerth was giving me the evil eye. I would've said something but that would've gotten me into deeper shit. Mum and Dad would not be happy. Grades up, they happy. Grades down, they mad. Then I heard someone jog up to me. I thought it was Alyssa (we were separated in History 'cause we, quote "talk too much" pfft.) so I turned around and shit.

"Chris," I greeted in a fake cheery voice.

"So you like me, do you . . . ?" He asked trailing off.

"It's Taylor, if you didn't know. Which you should 'cause I'm awesome," I replied. I was surprised by how angry I was that he didn't remeber my name. I mean, seriously? You talk, don't talk and then it magically turns into "I don't know your name anymore"? Wow.

"Right. Taylor. Well, I mean I understand why you like me," he said invitingly, coming closer and closer. I pulled my eyebrows together in a "WTF" look, noticing the bevy of people, including Alyssa and Candice my BFFs, staring at what was happening. Janet was certainly not happy. That part I was pleased about. Everything else, like the fact he was just inches from kissing me made me just about the right amount of uncomfortable. Take that and then multiply it by 10 times.

Great. Now our chests we're touching. Thankfully our hips were not touching 'cause who knows what was going on down there? His face prevented from touching mine as his hand was on the wall next to me, propping him up. So if he pulled his arm out he'd fall ontop of me. Ewww.

"Do I have to tell you again that it wasn't me? You might wanna point the finger at Janet. She's practically red, and that's hard for an asian to do," I laughed, welcoming a wave of laughs from the students. And then an angry face from Janet. Oh well.

Chris smiled. Why does he have to be so hot? I mean, ok, I didn't explain that he was just about 99% of a godly body and face and hair, but he's still a jerk! A big one! It's so unfair. All the hot ones are such asses.

Then he leaned in closer. Just next to my ear. "You may not like me, but I think I definitely like you," he whispered. His breath tickled my skin. Oh God. I'm pretty sure no one heard that because the crowd soon dispersed little by little as it was becoming "boring". Then Chris walked away with another heart melting smile. Jerk.

Janet gave me a last death stare before sauntering off to catch up with Kaylie and Heather. God, they needed to get lives. Or trade them for sane ones. Then again, so did I.

Then I remembered what he said. "I definitely like you." God, I'm such an idiot, because if I wasn't my heart wouldn't be beating so fast. Millions of question race through my head. Like, why? When? How? WHY? No answers. As I shook my head I felt my *fake* bluey/purpley black hair swishing across my mid-back and chest.

Alyssa and Candice hurried over to me, Alyssa's long blonde hair flicking like it did and Candice's medium black hair flipping and waving, laughing and joking about the situation. But, I, for once, didn't find it funny.

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