08. Walks Home

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"Okay, take off your sweater." Josh ordered, looking at Bianca patiently as she visibly choked.

"Excuse me?"

"I came to help you clean off, I think keeping on a dripping wet sweater kinda defeats the whole 'clean off' process." Josh explained, an amused look on his face as he took in her shocked expression. "Alright, here take this shirt and go into the bathroom. Clean yourself up and slip it on, take my sweat pants as well." He told her, handing the small blonde his clothes.

"Right, thanks." Bianca gratefully smiled, accepting the clothes and hurrying into the bathroom as he chuckled. Entering the tiny bathroom she didn't hesitate in pulling off her boots and throwing off her dripping clothes; the items making a loud 'thwack' sound as they hit the tiles, drops of punch flying off her clothes. She grabbed a thin, dry towel and roughly dried herself off slowly beginning to feel less sticky. As comfortable as she thought she was going to get, Bianca sat the towel down and slipped on Josh's soft clothes. The large black t-shirt he had given her could easily pass as a dress as it hung off her small frame and matched with the baggy tracksuit pants she looked like a little kid playing dress ups.

Besides looking ridiculous, Bianca had to admit his clothes were incredibly comfy though and they smelt really good. Trying to fit in with the carelessly comfortable vibe she had going on, she pulled a thick, black hair tie from her wrist and messily tied her straight hair up. She glanced at her boots before mentally debating whether or not to put them on. She had to wear shoes, but she'd look even sillier wearing heeled boots with her current outfit.

Shrugging she pulled them on anyway. She couldn't care less about what she wore in front of Josh; after all he had seen her dripping punch and in pink unicorn pjs when they were 8 years old. Collecting her wet clothes in a bundle and sitting them on the basin, she quickly mopped up the floor and sat the towel in what she hoped was their wash basket. Satisfied it was just as clean, if not cleaner, than when she had walked in Bianca grabbed her clothes again and walked out of the bathroom.

"Mmhm, yep, that's a great look for you." Josh laughed as Bianca emerged, the girl playfully striking an extravagant pose in response to his comment. "The boots just really finish it off spectacularly."

"My thoughts exactly." Bianca joked back, letting Josh take her clothes from her and sit them in a plastic bag that he must've found as she was getting dressed. "Thanks for this though, I'm both genuinely surprised and appreciative."

"Anytime. Bianca, I promise I'm not really as awful as you seem to believe. Now, may I ensure you get home safely and walk you or would you like to go back to the party and totally rock that outfit?"

"A walk home would be great, thanks Josh. Your clothes are really comfy by the way, you mightn't get them back." Bianca told him as he followed her out, softly chuckling at her statement. Bianca quickly texting Georgie to let her know she was leaving.

"I mean I guess I'm okay with that, only since you look so adorable in them. Seriously, you're drowning in fabric and still look way too cute, it's almost unfair."

"Almost unfair, huh? And why's that?"

"Because you detest me and that hurts just a little bit more when you look so good all the time, even when you're a total mess. It makes me want to hurl myself out a window for hurting you, I just want you to give me a chance. I never expected to be this enthralled with you, I doubted I'd even see you, but now that's all I want to do." Josh said, falling perfectly into step with her as they walked through the busy, dark streets. His sudden confession taking Bianca completely by surprise as she fumbled for a response.

"I-I don't detest you, I don't even hate you; not anymore at least. Just please don't throw yourself out of a window, I don't have the time for your blood on my hands." Bianca replied, joking back without even thinking about it. "And if you're that obsessed with me, I guess I can grace you with my presence every now and again."

"Woah, calm down Hart, I think your head just grew three sizes." Josh grinned back, all seriousness instantly leaving his voice.

"Oh good, that's more of my 'adorable' head for you to look at. Lucky you, Matthews."

"Shut up." He laughed, gently pushing Bianca as she giggled.

"Seriously though, you're probably not getting these back. Do you use fabric softener, is that why they're so soft and comfy?"

"I don't know, ask Topanga, she's been doing my washing lately."

"You're so lazy, poor Topanga."

"Lazy? Hart, I'm walking you home when I really didn't have too."

"Touche, Matthews. You can stay the night if you want, you know if you don't really feel like walking all the way back alone in the dark." Bianca suggested, tiredness seeping through her body as they neared her home.

"Your mum wouldn't mind?" Josh asked, raising an eyebrow as he considered her offer.

"She probably wouldn't even notice you, but if she did, no, she wouldn't mind. Maya on the other hand though, she would have a fit. Don't get any ideas either, if you stay you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on a mattress on the floor."

"Haha, alright I'd love to stay the night, but I'm taking the mattress on the floor; you sleep in your bed."

"Sure, you don't have to tell me twice." Bianca grinned, flashing him a bright smile as she grabbed the key from a nearby pot and unlocked the front door, the two quietly creeping into the apartment in case someone was asleep. Bianca walked straight into her room and dragged the spare mattress from under her bed into the middle of her room. "I'll just go get you some blankets, would you like a drink?"

"Nah, I'm fine thanks. Do you need a hand with the blankets?" Josh asked, sitting down on Bianca's squeaky bed as he glanced around her room.

"Thanks, but I think I can manage a few blankets." B joked back, leaving without any word before soundlessly returning with blankets and pillows falling from her arms. "I'm exhausted so I'm just gonna go to sleep, but don't hesitate to wake me if you need anything."

"Sure thing, thanks." The floppy haired boy smiled, sliding off his shoes as Bianca did the same thing before collecting a few blankets and pillows for him to use. Bianca carelessly helped him set up the bed, tucking in his blankets and what not as it appeared that she was visibly struggling to stay awake. "Thanks again for helping me tonight, Josh." She yawned, climbing up into her bed as Josh flicked off the lights and crawled into his makeshift bed.

"Anytime at all, just give me a call and I'll be there." Josh whispered back into the darkness, only to be met with the sound of Bianca's steady breathing. The boy falling asleep himself wondering if she heard him and if she had, did she believe him?


cute little chapter to thank you guys for putting up with me and my dodgy updating schedule. love you guys, please don't forget to vote and comment! ❤️

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