Chapter 1

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(Avyanna's picture)

I hope you guys like it.


Avyanna POV*

I still remember the day I first stumble into the city where these friendly strangers took me in. At first I was jumpy and scared that anytime my parents would find me and take me back.

After sometime Jessica, Alberto, (the two friendly strangers) and I move in to a town where I was at my last year in high school. I didn't trust nobody. I hated the fact that I felt like anyone could be a spy for my parents.

So I decided to learn a few techniques to defend myself against anyone that looked like a threat to me.

-Present Day-

Blah blah blah....

That's all I could hear from my math teacher who looked around his 40s and wouldn't stop looking at me but I didn't think nothing of it. It was so boring that I couldn't help but get distracted with any little thing.

I have been in this class for exactly 30 minutes I just needed 10 more minutes to go and I would be out of this hell hole. Thank god

I don't think I could take anymore of this.

At school I'm consider the mysterious and weird girl but I really didn't care I didn't came to please them. I did it for my safety.

When the bell ring I got my stuff but before I got to the door I heard my name being called.

"Avyanna can you stay for a bit I need to mmmm ask u something."

Mr. McConnell ask me but I saw lust in his eyes while looking at me from head to toe.

It made me sick to my stomach. But I nodded.

When everyone left I kept my eyes on Mr. McConnell to make sure he wouldn't do nothing funny.

"So Avyanna tell me why haven't you done your homework?"

He ask while walking to the door.

I noticed that he locked the door and give me a smirk.

I was starting to freak out.

I noticed he was getting closer to me so I started to look for a way out. He was about to touch my face when we heard a knock on the door.

He looked annoyed while I was relieved.

But when he looked back at me he smile and told me

"The fun have just began."

I was shocked so when he open the door I sprint out of there.

You might wonder why I didn't do something but it's forbidden to hurt a human if they haven't hurt you.

I could feel my heart beating so fast that I thought it was going to come out.

When I was in control of my emotions. The only thing I could feel was rage.

He shouldn't be touching me in that way how could he.

I wanted to go back In there to teach him a lesson but I realized I couldn't so with full of rage I got in my blue with purple Lamborghini and drove as fast as I could to Jessica and Alberto house.

When I got to the house I hug Jessica and Alberto I told them I was not hungry before entering.

I noticed that they thought something was wrong with me but they let it go.

When they fall asleep I changed into my tight black skinny jeans, my tight tank top, my leather jacket, and put on my sliver piercing on my nose.

I went outside and turn on my Lamborghini. I drove about 30 minutes before stopping at a night club called Illusion.

There was a line waiting outside but the guard knows me so he let me in. I went inside and sat at the far right corner watching people dance. I told the bartender to serve me something light.

After my fifth drink I stop. I noticed many men sending me lust stares but I just ignore them. I enjoy the music the feeling of being here. Because coming here is an escape of my reality.


Will there you guys have it the first chapter. :)


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