Q & A

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Hey Lovelies!

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! (Go Panthers!) it's time for the Q&A! Let's go!

What is your favorite Disney movie?

Definitely Mulan or Inside Out

Who is your favorite Disney character?

Genie or Mushu...because they are freaking awesome.

Who is your favorite Disney villain?

Dr Fecilier or Scar because I love the songs and Jeremy Irons as Scar...honey.

Have you been to Disney Land? If so what's your favorite food there?

I have! It's so much fun! My favorite food is the churros or popcorn.

Favorite ride at Disney land or world?

Space Mountain

How does it feel acting in a show as big as Mary Poppins?

It's hard work but a lot of fun! Everyone has an opportunity to shine and it is just amazing! You meet amazing people and you really get to know get the story!

What is your favorite sport?


Least Favorite Disney Villan

I hated Lady Treamine. She was so mean and awful and I just strongly disliked her

Favorite Disney Villan Song?

Be prepared

Favorite Disney Prince?


Thank you so much for submitting!

Have a great day!

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