One song glory

40 3 2

REMINDER: Please read all songs! If you don't you may miss out on major plot lines.

Jackson stands outside the run down apartment building, having pounded on the door to let the boys know he was there. He turns back round and sees a homeless man perching on the side of his car.

"Hey, you, bum - Yeah you, move over. Get your ass off that Porsche." He strides over to the man and shooes him away.

"That attitude toward the homeless is exactly what Kira is protesting tonight." Scott sighs and folds his arms, Stiles following him out of the door. Scott rolls back his camera and zooms into Jackson's face.

"Close up, Jackson Whittemore. Our ex-roommate, who married Alison Argent, of the Hunting business, then bought our building and the lot next door from his father-in-law, in hopes of starting a cyber-studio."

"Kira is protesting losing her performance space, Not my attitude."

"What happened to you? What happened to your heart and the ideals you once pursued?" Stiles yells, getting up in Jackson's face.

"The owner of that lot next door has a right to do with it as he pleases." Jackson steps back from Stiles, cringing.

"Happy birthday, Jesus." Scott growls.

"The rent" Jackson holds his hand out as if to collect their debt.

"You're wasting your time"

"We're broke!" Stiles yells, still fuming.

"And you broke your word - this is absurd"

"There is one way you won't have to pay."

"I knew it." Stiles grumbles, turning his back on Jackson.

"Next door is the home of Cyberarts, and now that the block is re-zoned, our dream can become a reality." He chuckles, pointing at the building across the street. "A state of the art, digital, virtual interactive studio. I'll forego your rent and on paper guarantee that you can stay here for free- If you do me one small favour."


"Convince Kira to cancel her protest."

"Why not just get an injunction or call the cops?"

"Yeah I did, and they're on standby but my investors would rather I handle this quietly."

"You can't just quietly wipe out an entire tent city and then watch 'It's A Wonderful Life' on TV!" Stiles joins the argument again with his snappy retort.

"You want to produce films and write songs? You need somewhere to do it! It's what we used to dream about.Think twice before you fuck it up." Jackson opens his arms to the grotty street. "You'll see - the beauty of a studio that lets us do our work and get paid. Just stop the protest and you'll have it. You'll see." He grins wickedly, striding back to his Porsche. "Or you'll pack."

Back in the apartment, when the two had time to cool off, Scott shrugs on his jacket.

"Where you going?" Stiles asks, still plucking his guitar.

"Kira calls."

"Dude! You're such a suck up!" Stiles hops onto the rusty table in the centre of their apartment.

Scott rolls his eyes. "I don't suppose you'd like to see her show tonight?" Stiles shrugs. "Or come to dinner?"

"Zoom in on my empty wallet" He lies back on the table and puts his arms behind his head.

RENT { teen wolf AU }Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ