Chapter 12...

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Hehe, Enjoy. xxx


Wayward Women and Awkward Reckonings

After a quick shower and a light meal, Hanna returned to her bedroom to get ready for her date with Dylan.  Forcibly she put her anxiety out of her mind determined not to worry about something that she didn't need to worry about it.  Brushing out her hair she ran through all her clothing mentally selecting her outfit, finally settling on a pair of skinny jeans, a floating yellow top and a matching pair of heels, knowing that the colour would set off her firey hair to perfection.  Smiling happily at her reflection in the full length, she fluffed her hair a final time grabbed a matching purse and headed out the door, snatching up her keys and a light-weight jacket as she left.

Brilliant sunshine spilled through the rapidly departing cloud cover, warming the earth with gentle rays and soaking up the remaining moisture that lingered in the air.  With almost a skip in her step the upbeat change in weather, reflecting the mood that Hanna wanted to convey, encouraging her forward.

Hitting the buzzer on Dylan's front door, she hooked her purse under her arm and turned into the wind letting the sun warm her face as she waited.  When the door finally opened a minute later a smiling, relaxed Hanna wheeled back around.  Only the person answering wasn't Dylan instead there was a lanky blonde, wearing jeans, a crop top and now but women who, even though she was dressed for slumming, was never the less gorgeous in a pixie like, rustic artist kind of way.  Hanna couldn't help her smiling fading from her lips as she took in the women who looked completely comfortable leaning on the door of Dylan's home.

"Ah, Hi.  Is Dylan here?" Hanna finally managed to spit out.

"Oh right, you must be Hanna!" The women smiled, only the smile didn't encourage Hanna, rather it set her on edge.  "Well, would you look at you, aren't you adorable."

"Erm, thank you?"

"I'm Chloë Davenport, come in, come in."  She gestured with a wave, stepping back to allow her access.  "Dylan told me all about your little date, afternoon movie, right, so pg," she laughed, raising a brow at Hanna.  She didn't give Hanna a chance to respond as they walked down the hall into the living room where she dropped gracefully into one of the recliners like she owned the place. "So you're a writer, the kids must love you!"

Hanna's polite smile slipped as she realised the brat in front of her was indeed mocking her and her previous bad mood shot to the surface.

"Who are you again?"  Hanna asked, surprised at how pleasant her voice managed to sound despite the murder raging through her mind.

"Chloe Davenport," she replied without missing a bit, as if Hanna should know who that was.  Dylan does a lot of work out at my place,  unfortunately my work takes me out-of-state a lot so we don't get a lot of time to go over any progress, not to say that matters really, we often spend hours here wrapped up on the sofa going over different idea's... or just chatting when I'm in town," she added with a wink, leaning forward the pick up her drink as she looked over one of the drawings that were spread out across the coffee table.  Hanna didn't get a chance to figure out what they were as Chloë quickly folded them over and leaned back with her drink.  Hanna wasn't sure if the women had a point or of she just liked the sound of her own voice but either way she had issues and was annoying the hell out of her.

"So Hannie, you managed to get any of you kiddies books published or are they not that..."

"Is Dylan here?"  Hanna interrupted leaning to look down another hall toward his room.

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