Chapter 4

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Staighton's POV

"Hello. What the fuck do you want from me?" Amara's annoyed tone is already getting on my tits. Why the fuck doesn't she get a grip and just stop being such a bitch? After all, what I ask is that she starts respecting other people more, including me.

"First of all, stop snapping at me. You're being rude. Secondly, listen carefully. I know where to find inspiration for a good song, but you need to be collaborative," I command, immediately making her irritation grow further; however, I couldn't care less about her changes of mood.

"Huh. What are you going to do?"

"Okay, I want to take a look at Carolyn Waverley's songbook and then find if I can write a song that's inspired by any of hers - without copying them, obviously, I'm not willing to cope with a trial for plagiarism."

"Huh. Have you thought of just writing a song without looking at her book?"

"Amara. Do you really want me to still write those cheesy songs? They sound so fucking commercial, I want something different! Do you understand the meaning of this word?" I'm really mad at my friend. Why the heck do I have to deal with the fact that she's always trying hard to make me feel guilty for something? The same happens, if not worse, with Hollie. Wow. It doesn't seem as I have any friends.

I immediately hang up without waiting for Amara's answer. I don't even want to hear it. Seriously, I need some peace - something I'll never hear of if I'm constantly disturbed by anyone at any time.

Meanwhile, Jonathan, my annoying brother, is trying hard to have my nerves explode playing his unhearable death metal pieces, obviously composed by himself. Seriously, how am I supposed to try and have a shot at a possible music career when I have to compete with my popular but talentless brother? Has he got nothing else to do in his life?

Okay. His so-called "music" is getting such on my nerves. He must stop it. I've had enough of this shit. This is why I immediately enter his room, not even bothering knocking the door (has he ever done so while sneaking into mine without my permission?) and yelling, "Stop the fuck it!"

"Hey sister, stop being so fucking hormonal," he replies with absolute indifference, clearly showing he doesn't care about me at all. Well, it's not a problem, after all, because this feeling is reciprocal.

Regretting coming into his room to throw one of my usual tantrums, I leave it and go back to mine. I hope to find a little bit of peace, but then I'm interrupted. This time, the main cause of my anger is called Charlie, my terrible little cousin - okay, not that little, he's twelve, yet I can't bear with him at all. He must be playing one of his usual pranks, all with the help of her precious assistant: his lizard, whom he renamed - guess what? - Liza (a little bit of originality would've been appreciated more, though).

Unfortunately, I left the door open, which means that Liza could enter the room undisturbed. Knowing that I'm more than disgusted by her, Charlie is doing nothing to stop her; better say, he's laughing and even esorting her to climb on my legs, which she's doing right now - what the heck!

I can't retain myself from screaming and shrieking. "Yuck! What the fuck is this?" I immediately take Liza and throw her out of the room, only to be met with her owner's protests. Huh. I couldn't care less. That creature has to stay away from me and all my possessions, and so does Charlie. No excuses.

After having to deal with so many disturbing elements, I can finally try and take a nap in peace. Hopefully, it won't be so hard, especially because I've just locked the door, closed all the windows and turned the light off. Yeah. No more brother, cousin or anything else can get on the way between me and my bed.

Okay. I immediately take back what I said. Someone is knocking the door multiple times. It must be one of my stupid sisters. "Let's guess who it is, I bet. Callia, Luna or Leanna?"

"You know, sister." That shrill voice. Leanna's. I should have recognized it earlier. I wish I could mute it forever.

"Leave, before I come and smash your face on the floor!" I really hope she is running away to hide, not to tell Mom and Dad that I threatened her. Sometimes, threats are what make me be listened to. It really looks like I have no other choice than being the strict bitch.

Okay, why am I not hearing Leanna calling Mom to have me punished? Is this the sign that I can finally have some peace? Or, else, does it mean she, as well as the other two midges, is backtalking at me with Mom and Dad? Never mind. I'll just go back to my nap.


Peace has lasted very little. Why the hell do I have to put up with so many people disturbing me? And, more particularly, what the fuck does Hollie want from me? I though she would never take advice about boys from me. It really looks like she has nothing to do, apart from pestering me.

Since I'd feel awful if I didn't answer her, I pick up the call. "Hello. What the fuck do you want?"

"Staighton! Where the fuck have you been? The party has been a disaster!"

"Huh. Who gives a fuck?" To be honest, I deliberately skipped the party because I wasn't in the mood of taking part in it. In other words, I didn't want to cross paths with anyone else.

"How can you be so fucking insensitive? Everybody is slut-shaming on me! Even Ally Nitto wants to make out with me!" Okay. Since when has Hollie started liking girls? As of what I know, she's 100% straight. Or, at least, this is what I thought until right now. Is she hiding me something? Is there something about her I should know? Only time can tell, so I just try letting go of these overbearing feelings.

"Hollie. Calm the fuck down. We'll find a solution, I swear." With that, I hang up and throw the phone on my bed. I don't want to hear from anyone else at least until tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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