Chapter 2

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Hollie's POV

After ages of convincing my mother and step-father to let me go to this fucking party, here I am. Hopefully, it's packed with boys, which I love as they don't make me get bored. I have to admit it, Ashlie, Erin and Lanaeya are good at persuasion, especially when it comes to cool guys.

Honestly, I've slept with a dozen of them during these four years of high school, yet I'm proud of being called the school's slut. I can't commit to only one guy. I hate serious relationships. I hate the idea of being bound to a guy for a long period, as I easily get fed up with them.

Right now, I'm with Mack Jansen, who is already asking for a drink. Seriously, he's not the kind of guy I'd date; maybe I'd be more than pleased to fuck him, but that's it. He isn't really into serious relationships either; plus, he's said to have slept with Erin, whom I dislike so much that I don't know why she invited me at her party. Huh. She, as well as Ashlie and Lanaeya, are just midges seeking for popularity. I don't mind them.

By the way, I can definitely say I've made my way through popularity step by step, not skipping important stages, which is a serious mistake many queen bees-to-be tend to make, unfortunately. At least I'm not like La'Shae: she only likes boys who run after her butt. I want people to run after everything of mine: hair, body, brain, breasts, butt, clothes, money and whatsoever.

To be honest, I don't like the girls there being at the party. Where are Amara and Staighton? I mean, they're my buddies. I say, my buddies, not my friends. We spend all our time together having a lots of pointless arguments and bitching around. We've never shared secrets or positive opinions with each other at all, only negative criticism. For example, yesterday I insulted Amara's new make-up and, as a result, she got upset for a whole hour, before letting go of it. I mean, it's not me she has to be rancorous to.

Oh, Mack has just come back with a drink. I really hope, for his own sake, that he hasn't done anything he could regret. I notice that he's very drunk, as he's much paler than usual, which makes his veins more evident, and his eyes look purple - better say, they're literally surrounded by shades of purple, which makes every other girl stay away from him.

To be honest, I don't really even want to make out with him anymore. You know, I don't want to take advantage of such a jerk that way, so I ask him, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Okay?" he smirks and keeps taking sips of his alcohol. "Baby, I'm feeling so high." Oh, no, don't tell me he has also taken drugs. If so, I should be allowed to kill him. Okay, never mind. "No, no, not in that sense. I mean, I've just had some fun time with Erin and..."

Again? Has he spent time with that whore? Well, if so, he's free to do whatever he wants, because I don't want to see him anymore. I don't like being used by guys like him, he must keep that in mind. So, I just leave him behind and try to get in touch with either Amara or Staighton, but to no avail. What the hell is going on with them?

By the way, I notice there is another schoolmate of ours, Allegra, who's said to be a lesbian - okay, maybe not a complete lesbian, but what matters is that she likes girls - and who, right now, is eyeing me! Oh, yes, she's also said to crush on me, but, come on, I will never, ever stay with a girl!

However, she won't shy away: this is why she is whistling at me and shouting, "Payton! Come here." She is literally commanding that as she is talking to a dog. Plus, she has just called me with my surname. Does she loathe my first name?

If so, I'll also call her by her last name, so that she learns that she can't do what she wants when it comes to me. "Okay, Nitto. I'll do what you asked me to do."

She gives me a wicked smile and a smirk. Wow. That girl is devilish, maybe even more than me, yet I'm wasting my precious time with her. I should be ruining the party to Ashlie Caulkins and Erin Meade, not bother talking to... ew... Allegra Nitto! I really wish I hadn't paid attention to her at all. I have a reputation to defend now.

In fact, many other people are laughing at me, clearly happy to have caught me in a troubling situation. Also, they have since started taking pictures, which means they're going to post them on social media. I'm screwed. Where the fuck are Amara and Staighton? They always cover me when I'm in trouble, though they're not doing so now. I'm so disappointed in them.

To my horror, I notice several notifications from Twitter. One of them says, 'Hollie-Faye Payton? Just married to Ally Nitto. #takethat #lesbiatch' Comments like that make me want to gang up on them. They deserve a lesson, big time. I'm fed up with them bossing around, so I'm going to make sure they're going to suffer.

So, I reply that insulting tweet - I think it must be either Ashlie's or Erin's - with a more insulting one. 'Why don't you rinse your mouth with acid, you whores? #ripbitches'

As soon as everyone's able to read it, rage is filling their faces. Lanaeya is confused and furious at the same time, whereas Ashlie and especially Erin seem to want to kill me. In fact, the former is throwing a glass bottle at me, but for some strange reason it doesn't hit me. Instead, it hits 'Ally'. Huh. Who cares if she attempted to sacrifice her non-existent reputation to save mine?

Then, the two sluts eject me from the house and the party. I guess they're making sure I won't be taking part to any of their parties anymore. Fine. They're free to do what they want, because I'm going to throw an even bigger party to outshadow theirs. But, first, Amara and Staighton will pay for abandoning me.

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