guns raised.

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"What did you just call her?" He yells to me, but I'm too distracted to respond.

"Look at all these colors!" I say in excitement as we are stopped in the middle of some park. "Oh hell..." I hear him whisper, and suddenly I'm concerned.

"It's okay Jason." I say reaching out to him.

"No wonder you're all looped up." He says kneeling in front of me.

"Look at that grass!" I scream.

"It's green!" I laugh and look to Jason as I point to the landscape. He puts his head down, and I too gain a look of agony.

"Maybe the grass will make you feel better." I whisper, trying to turn his head so he can get a look.

"Alright babybird, let's get you home." He sadly replies, standing up as he retreats to the back of the wheelchair. I wanted to ask why he just called me what he did, but I liked it much better than I-907, so I just ignored it.

We arrived back at his apartment and he told me I could stay in my old room. But I couldn't really remember ever being here.

"Alright buddy, these pills are a definite no no. I have a good feeling that's why you're not remembering much." He states, placing them in a cabinet.

"I'll do an analysis on this later." I hear him whisper as he then turns back to me.

"But nurse Harleen-" He takes a few steps toward me.

"Yeah fuck nurse Harleen... She's got a pHd in all types of crazy." He says grabbing two glasses of water. He makes his way over handing me one of the glasses.

"But she helped me." I argue, folding my arms.

"I'm sure she did." He sarcastically replies, turning on the tv. The day catches up with me, and though I meant to close them for a mere second, my eyes stay shut. What the hell is going on?
I wake up what feels like eons later, though I know for a fact I fell asleep on the couch next to Jason. As I sit up in my bed I turn and look around my room. I actually remember this place. Jason walks in, and it's Jason. Like the Jason I recall from years ago.

"Why do I feel normal?" I wonder, feeling that much closer to myself.

"You've been out for six days... Effects of those blue pills are finally starting to wear off." He replies giving me a grand nod.

"Six?" I spit out.

"How is that possible?" I say sounding rather confused.

"I spiked your drink!" He admits, smiling at my expression.

"Who are you my mom?" I blandly reply and he just laughs.

"He's back!" He cheers, coming closer to ruffle my hair.

"Cute. But not completely." I whisper, falling back onto the bed.

My eyes were glued to the window, the day aging with each hopless breath that escaped my chapped lips. And suddenly it was dark. The kind of dark that vaguely poked at my mind screaming, remember me. At first it was somewhat comforting, but as the deep blues faded to deeper blacks, I felt pained. I had been surround by white walls for years, and that specific darkness that I had grown accustomed to was fake. But this was real darkness, and I was watching it creep over the world in seconds. And when I thought it couldn't get any worse, crackles filled the sky, and loud booms caused streaks to rip through the blackness every so often. These bolts littered the outerworld, cracks on this snow globe of a world we live in. The rain fell, soft trickles exploding into a nagging rhythm that was in sync with my tremorous heartbeat. And though I knew it was just rain, it felt like the symbolistic downpour of my life. I rolled in the bed, the lights beyond my door clearly off. I couldn't contain my mental breakdown, and further more I couldn't quite understand what was occurring. Each strike pierced through my mind, random things surfacing. The loud clap of thunder, pulled me from my thoughts, and for some reason the image beyond the window caused a whimper. I didn't feel at home.

[TOO FAR GONE] - DAMIAN WAYNE - DC COMICSWhere stories live. Discover now