something special.

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"If anyone ever finds this, you shouldn't be concerned. Well if I've died, and there is speculation that I've killed myself, then I suppose it's okay to worry. But if not, just hear me out. I'm simply stating my observations... Recording all that I've learned these past years. You know, so if anyone does find this, they'll take a thing or two away from it. You could be one of many people. Perhaps you're Bruce, who has come across this because you like to go through my stuff, or maybe you're Jason because you also like to go through my stuff. There's a possibility you're Damian because well... Okay let's be real if you're reading this it's solely because you went through my stuff. But yes, you could be any of these three people. Or maybe you're Wally... Alfred is this you? How bout you Babs? Alright alright I'll stop. I know you're here to read the juicy stuff. We both know you're just looking for an explanation to whatever it is I do. Remember this isn't necessarily a stamp on my suicide, you know, unless you find me dead with another note that reads 'Don't bother looking, the culprit is the victim here!' But until that day comes, and who knows maybe it won't, just know that I love you dearly. If I leave this world- if I leave you... There are a few things that must be said before you can fully grasp that I'm gone.

Firstly it's not that I have a problem with myself... It's simply that I just dislike everything about me... I have multiple problems with myself. I can't exactly comprehend everything I've done, and I wouldn't expect you to either. Had I been brought up in the perfect scenario, my parents would still be alive for starters, and I likely would not have been shot at the age of thirteen. However, I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm not thankful for all Bruce has done for me. So Bruce, if you're the one reading this, shoutout to you.

He - well you - okay this is weird, but Bruce, taught me to fight, not to kill. And that's a skill I feel all people should have. I'm proud to say I've never crossed that line, you know unless you found me dead with that note about being the culprit as well as the victim... If that's the case just disregard this part. But truthfully, I don't see myself ever killing anyone. And it's not because that was the method that was instituted when I was being trained. My mom once told me, prior to her death that if you don't live for something, you'll die for nothing, and at first I only took that statement into account for myself. But then I thought about the millions of people, and how that rule applies to them as well. So why should I sell them short of their time to do something? I don't want to be the one to dictate the amount of years they have to make an impact on the world. Sure they might be doing negative things now, and they are probably better off being removed from the equation, but they still have the chance to change, and that, that is something. If you live your life as a terrible person, but then decide to turn around, and die the next day, it counts. You will have done something.

See Bruce, he just said these things, I never really understood if he fully knew what he was saying... But it doesn't matter. Through his constant reminder, and my mother's informative words, I've found my own explanation, my own moral code, and God I hope that whoever is reading this will really think about all I've just said. Maybe it will change you. Maybe it will be that spark to start your something. And damn I wish more than anything that it is.

Now as I've already stated, I'm not sure who is reading this. So I'll leave a list of all the things I want to say to certain people, and whoever ends up with this cliche letter can decide if they'd like to forward these meaningful comments to whom it is addressed.

Bruce - Thank you. I don't want to get emotional cause I know you're not a fan of that but seriously, had it not been for you, I'd be out on the streets. Which leads me to charity case number two...

Jason - Oh dear brother... You sometimes could be a pain in my ass, but I wouldn't have it any other way. You're reckless, and hell I might not agree with some of your crazy ways, but I love you. Don't change. Not even for Bruce. (Sorry Bruce). You be your own man, and make your own decisions. Unless of course this letter had you feeling like a terrible person and you really do want to change... Then maybe, just maybe you should do that. Make me proud.
Alfred - Your cookies were always my favorite. When you arrive in heaven perhaps I'll return the favor and have a batch waiting for you... And if you end up in hell? Damn Alfie that'd be a plot twist I didn't see coming.

[TOO FAR GONE] - DAMIAN WAYNE - DC COMICSWhere stories live. Discover now