Wait.... Who Adopted Me?

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Coelee's POV:

I woke up with the sun in my eyes coming through the window near my bed, I can still remember everything from yesterday. When I met Liam, to me kind of venting to him, and to when I had to leave, and when I saw that dude taking pictures of me. Ok... that was just weird why would a random person take pictures of girl walking with her dog? Maybe he is a rapist or a stalker!! Oh god!

"Coelee, come down stairs for breakfast!" Mrs. Grady yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok!" I replied.

I brushed my hair really quick before I went downstairs, I walked down the stairs and realized I was the only one up, besides Mrs. Grady and Charlie. I walked everywhere around the house to look for the others but they were all still sleeping, nobody was in the bathroom, the kitchen, or the living room. YAY! Now I can watch SpongeBob! Right when I sat on the couch, Mrs. Grady called me.

"Uhhhhh!" I'm irritated now, I mean like I just sat down now I have to get back up. I jogged to the backyard where Mrs. G was.

"What's up?"

"Oh good, you came. Ok, today we are having some special guests come over, and I need help picking up the place and since you love helping me, I was wondering if you would help me clean up?" Mrs. G asked.

"Um.... sure just let me go take a quick shower!"

"Ok Roly Poly!" She responded, that's my nickname that she gave me and it just stuck with me.

*After shower, and cleaning*

Everybody is up now, and eating breakfast, I can't get whose coming over off my mind. Everyone keeps talking about that.

"Um, Coelee could you come here for a sec?" Mrs. G asked me.

"Uhh.... sure."

Mrs. G walked in to the living room with me right behind her, I was nervous to be honest. I don't know if I did anything bad or not, so I was nervous. She turned and looked at me with a big grin on her face, uh oh.... this can't be good.

"Coelee I need to tell you something but you can't tell anybody else, got it?" She gave me a stern look then went back to a smile.

"Uh sure, w-what is it?"

"The special guests that are coming today are very popular and famous. And since I know you don't really like them I thought I would tell you first...."

Oh please don't tell me who I think it is!

"The special guests are One Direction!" She said excitedly.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no! I will not go through with this! If you need me I'll be up in my room, not seeing them when they get here!" Just then the doorbell rang, oh great their here. I ran up stairs as fast as I could, right when I turned the corner I heard a scream, and I knew who it was, Hailey. I peeked to see downstairs, and yep there they are standing in the doorway, with their big smiles on their faces, why does this have to happen to me? Curly Fry saw me, and I ran into my bedroom, I slammed the door, and went to the window.

It was sunny outside, and cold in the room. I opened the window and took in the fresh air and heat, I grabbed my guitar, and strummed a few chords on it I then started playing, 'Little Things' by One Direction. I know what your thinking, 'Why is she singing that if she doesn't like them?', just because I don't like them doesn't mean I won't like their music, this song is actually my favorite one by them, so.

"Your hand fits in mine, like it's made just for me

But bear this in mind, it was meant to be,

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks,

I Got Adopted By Who!? (A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now