Family and Small Towns

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Hey Ryan,
We're going down to see everyone this weekend. Honestly no matter how much we joke and laugh and judge that little town, I love it. I love how everyone knows almost everyone, and how technology is almost forgotten. That's why I love spending time down there. I can't believe that others hate it. Every street, every building, I love it so much more than home. But at the same time, my friends are here.
My two best friends, who have stuck with my nonsense since first grade. We have laughed and cried together, and it may sound cheesy, but I love them. I couldn't leave here for a long period of time. My other friends, well my six other friends, they're great too. People call me a loner, or shy. But I just don't feel that time should be wasted on small talk. Maybe that's why I only have eight friends, I never talk to anyone. No one really likes me that much but I learned from you "Live your life however you want and screw anyone who says otherwise". But if I'm being real honest here, the school band members are my friends. We are a family. A loud, sarcastic, dysfunctional family. But a family nonetheless. I'm going to miss them at the end. We're you ever a band nerd? I can't remember.

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