Chapter Thirteen ☾

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I cannot get over at how beautiful Blyn's garden is. I am thrilled that Blyn told me he would give me a tour of the garden. I feel that it will most likely become a location I will frequent often. As we passed more fruit trees I noticed a small section of the Mystic Sea begin to appear. The calm waters appear to be a soft jade.

I notice that two rather large men are standing near the water, which causes me to assume that this is the known Jade Crossing. Blyn held onto me as we walked downward on a small narrow stone steps. As we walk down the steps my view of the Crossing becomes better, which allows me to see Callen, Azalea and Asher. 

A small smile spreads across my face in relief to see them here. It does not appear that the Jade Crossing made them ill. Once we stepped down the last step the guards turned their attention towards us. 

Now that Blyn and I are closer to the guards I am able to make out how tall and muscular they are. The taller guard with black hair and a scar under his left eye approaches us. The shorter guard with brown hair remains in his spot near Callen.

"Greetings your Majesty" said the taller guard in a deep voice. Blyn nodded his head in the direction towards the guard "Hello Erza".  Then, he leaned his head to the side to look at the other guard. "Hello Cyan". I noticed that Cyan, the shorter guard, has eyes that match his name. 

"Greetings your Majesty. I assume that these people are your guest since they bare your symbol". I narrow my eyes slightly to see that Asher is holding an envelope with an emerald design. I cannot make out how the design looks from where I am standing. 

"Yes that is correct. They are my brides party that will be staying with us from now on". Blyn smiled down at me as he held onto my waist. Erza nodded his head "Congratulations your Majesty". He looked in my direction and bowed his head. "Congratulations my Queen".

Cyan followed sure and bowed his head in my direction. "Congratulations on your upcoming ceremony my Queen". It feels rather odd that they are already addressing me as their Queen. "Thank you Erza and Cyan" I said with a smile on my face. They both look rather pleased that I have addressed them by their names. 

"I shall input our new residents energy into the Crossing so they are recognized" said Erza. Blyn nodded his approving of Erza's statement. Cyan looked over towards Azalea with a small smile on his face. "Miss Azalea, the dizziness you are feeling should disappear in a minute or two".

" The next time you go through the Crossing will be easier" said Cyan with reassurance in his voice. Azalea smiled as Callen steadied her footing by holding onto her shoulder. "Thank you. I am already beginning to feel better". 

I see, so my friends will have their energy manually placed into the magical energy of the Jade Crossing. Once the mating ceremony is complete I will be instantly connected to Blyn and the Emerald Isle. "Erza, I have arranged for your sister to bring you both a meal from the festivities". 

Erza bowed his head towards Blyn "Thank you for your kindness, your Majesty". I blinked slowly while looking at the two guards. "Are you both missing the mating ceremony?" I asked. Cyan nodded "Yes my Queen. Ezra and I lost the challenge that would have permitted us not to guard the Crossing during the ceremony. Ezra's sister shall inform us of the mating ceremony". 

Ezra included "Although we lost the challenge, we are honored to guard the Crossing during your mating ceremony". A smile spread across Blyn's handsome face. "What was the challenge this time? I recall for my coronation it was to climb the Northern Mountainside". My emerald eyes widened at the description of the dangerous challenge. 

"It was not an extreme challenge this time. We decided to play a card tournament, the two guards with the fewest amount of wins would guard tonight" answered Erza. "We thought it would be fair to Barrie since she is expected to give birth soon".

Love by the Mystic SeaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon