*Chapter One: Life in New York*

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Picture: Lianne Young & Derek Thompson

Song: Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z ft. Alicia Keys.



New York City.

The Big Apple.

The City That Never Sleeps.

Living in this city these past three and a half years has made me realize why so many people love living in New York. Hell, even I have grown to love living in this city. I mean, should I list the reasons why?

First and foremost, let me start off by saying that the thing that I love the most about living in New York City is that I am able to walk anywhere. And I mean anywhere. Everything that I need is just a short walking distance away, which is extremely convenient.

I also love how quick paced the city is. Everyone is always on the go, which is something I enjoy because I am a person who likes a fast paced life. I like getting to places quickly and I like getting my work done the minute I am assigned it.

I should probably also mention that New Yorkers call New York City, 'The city'. Which I find weird, but it's okay. I think it's kind of cool in a way.

I also love the tons of culture and energy that thrives in this city. It's very exciting and diverse, which is something I haven't seen that much of in a long time.

I could go on and on about how much I love New York City but I simply can't. It would take me forever to list them all.

I held my coat closed as I reached my apartment building, quickly opening the door so I could enter the warm building. "Hey Jeffery!" I greeted the doorman with a smile, as I made my way over to the elevators.

"Good day Miss Young," He spoke in his strong British accent. I smiled at him as I pressed the button for the elevators. "Now now Jeffery. I told you that you can call me Lianne."

"I know, but I would very much prefer to call you Miss Young," He said with a smile. I heard the ding of the elevator and the elevator doors finally opened. "Well alright then, I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning Jeffery."

"You as well Miss Young. You have a good night."

"You too," I said to him, giving him a small wave before entering the elevator. I pressed the button for the fifth floor and watched as the elevator doors closed shut. I waited, listening to the soft classical elevator music.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened, revealing the very quiet fifth floor of the apartment building. I exited the elevator and began making my way down the hallway, digging in my coat pocket for my keys.

I took out my keys, finally reaching the door to my apartment. I could hear the voices of my two roommates bickering on the other side of the door. I playfully rolled my eyes as I unlocked the door and opened it, the voices of my roommates now much louder.

"Samantha, I'm warning you. If you don't give me my top back, I will personally throw this pillow at you." I snorted at Nyla's weak attempt of a threat as I closed the front door.

"Oo, I'm so scared!" Sammy said in a sarcastic tone. I walked into the living room and saw my roommates Nyla and Samantha staring at each other. Nyla held a couch pillow in her hand as she stared down at Sammy, who was sitting on the couch watching Gossip Girl.

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