How You Meet

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You were at Jack Wills working your shift when someone cleared their throat. You look up and see a person in a black hoodie and sunglasses. "Um how may I help." You asked him. "I'm looking for a hoodie for my friend and i was wondering if you could help me out. " He said looking at you. You came from behind counter and walked towards the hoodies. He was trailing behind you. You held a up a hoodie and he shook his head. You put it back up and got another one. He faked gagged and you chuckled. This went on for about ten minutes until you picked up purple one. He nodded and you smiled,then went to ring him up. "So what time does your shift end?" he asked leaning on to the counter. "about ten minutes ." You told. "Wanna go for some coffee?" He asked. "Well I don't go to coffee with people I dont know their name." You smiled. "Right. I'm Louis." He said smiling. "Y/N"


You were sitting on a bench watching your little sister, Courtlyn, when someone came up to you. "Is this seat taken?" He asked you. You shook your head and he sat down. "I'm Zayn by the way." He told holding his hand out. You shook while you replied. "Y/N" He smiled at you."So what bring you to the park?" You asked him. "I'm watching my little sister Safaa.What about you?" He explains/asks. "Watching my little sister,Courtlyn." You replied. you guys talked for about an half an hour until your phone vibrated. It was your mom telling you to get home. "Well Zayn I have to go." You said getting. "Y/N wait. We should hang out again." He said. You nodded then you guys exchanged your numbers.


You were roaming the halls when you saw some guys picking on this boy. You walked over to him as the Logan and Percy, the people who were picking on the boy, punch the boy in the stomach . You ran over to Logan and started yelling at him. "Stop being a douche and go away." They both huffed and walked away. You helped the boy off the floor. "Come on let's get you to the nurse." You said putting his arm around your neck. "So my name is Y/N. What's yours?" You asked trying start a conversation. "L-l-liam." he sputtered out. Soon you were at the nurses office. "Thanks Y/N" he said. That was the start of a wonderful friendship.


You were Nando's ordering when you figured out you had left your purse at your flat. "Um I left my money at my flat." you told the cashier. He rolled his eyes. "No money no food." the cashier said rudely "I got it. " an Irish voice said behind you. You turn around to see a blond guy with the prettiest blue eyes you have ever seen. "You dont have too." You protested. (NO! Jimmy protested ;) ) "I want to well under one condition." He smirked.  "What is that?" You asked him. "You'll eat with me." He told you. You nod as he orders his food then pays. "So what's your name?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. "Y/N" YOu replied. "That's a lovely name. I'm Niall."


You were volentering at the animal shelter when the door opening making the little bell ring. "Welocme to Fuzzy Pals if you need anything just let me know." You said as Harry Styles makes his way up to the counter. You were a fan of One Direction but not one that knew every detail about them. "I'm looking for turtle for my friend for his birthday." He said smiling at you. His dimples coming into view. "Um yeah there right this way." You said walking towards the turtles."So I'm Harry. What's your name?" He asked. "Y/N." You replied. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said as you guys walked up to the turtles. You let him pick one out and then you put in a little cage. You gave him some food for it. "Is that it?" You ask him. "Not quite im missing one thing." He smirked. "What's that?" YOu lokked confused. "YOur number." You laughed. Cheeky boy.

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