Chapter 6

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[AN: So I lied. There won’t be a new Wattpad friend in this chapter. But maybe a new one soon.]

“But Hazza,” Jericho whined. “We are finally together!”

“I told you before to stay the hell away from me!” Harry replied now using both Liam and Laurie as shields. This had been going on for the past ten minutes. Apparently I was the only one who saw the unbridled fear in Harry’s face while everyone else laughed.

“I told you all that she was crazy,” I blurted out. “She’s probably been stalking him for years. We need to call the police or something!” Instead of agreeing with me they all shot me a perplexed look, including Harry.

“There’s no need to call the police,” Harry said. “We don’t want to create a scene.” I am the only sane one here.

“But you are hiding behind Laurie and Liam. You look terrified."

“I am not! She’s just some girl!” And yet he doesn’t move from his spot behind his friends.

“Okay, am I the only one here who hasn’t lost their mind?”

“I am not afraid of some stupid girl,” Harry protested from behind Liam’s shoulder. “If you call the police there will be some crazy spectacle. She can just leave on her own.”

“But Harry,” Jericho protested. “We are meant to be. We are soul mates!”

“We are no such thing!”

“Did you get the cookies I sent?”

“I don’t accept crazy stalker cookies! You could have laced them with some kind of drug!”

“I would do no such thing!” How did I end up in a hospital room watching two people argue about drug laced cookies? My life had slowly become some kind of crazy circus.

“I call lion tamer!” Niall shouted bringing their attention back to him. “What?”

“Lion tamer for what?” Jane asked.

“Maya said her life was a crazy circus. Therefore, I call lion tamer. It’s like one of the best jobs. Oooo! Wait! I want to be a clown too! And the ringleader!”

“I thought it. I told you to stop reading my mind Irish,” I glowered at him.

“But it’s so fun,” he teased. “Like when you think about your sister and call her that nickname—“ I slapped my hand over his mouth.

“One more word and I rip off your balls!” I hissed.

“They are just precious!” Laurie cooed.

Is she talking about us?”

What do you think princess?

Don’t call me princess, Irish!

“And they have conversations without even speaking. They are soul mates!” I had a sudden urge to smack Liam’s best friend. I mean girlfriend. I mean—oh I give up.

“Do I know you from somehere?” Liam asked studying me carefully.

“No, you don’t,” Niall said stepping in front of me. “It’s not even possible.”

“Have you been to our concerts?” Liam asked. “Or maybe won something that we presented to you? Maybe you have some special talent?”

“I really kick ass in kickball,” I supplied. They all stared at me in bemusement. “And I’m the high score in Mario Kart.” They all burst into laughter. Well love you too guys.

“Wait,” Liam called out as the gales of laughter finally died down. “Now I know where I know you from!”

“Shut up Liam,” Niall warned.

“You’re Niall’s ‘meet and greet princess!’”

“It is her!” Harry agreed

“This is the girl he’s been obsessed with?” Laurie cooed. “They found each other! It’s true love!”

“You’re obsessed with me?” I asked. Niall didn’t respond. He merely blushed bright red and stared at his shoes. “How obsessed are we talking?”

“I’m going to get Louis!” Harry said with a huge grin. “He has that video of him calling out her name in his sleep!” I looked over at Niall who still wouldn’t look at me as Harry raced out of the room.

“You called out my name in your sleep?” I asked. Niall still locked his gaze on the floor. I decided to finally do what he always did to me. I opened my mind to read his thoughts. That’s when I saw it all. The memories that he held close flashed by me once again.

Me smiling up at him at the meet and greet.

My nervous voice as I squeaked out that my name was Maya and I had waited so long for his autograph.

The way I squealed when he signed the poster and called me love.

The short moment where our hands grazed each other.

“Niall?” I asked softly. He finally looked up at me. “You held onto that one memory?” He merely nodded. “Why?”

“Because you are the princess I have been waiting for,” he simply replied. “I knew it the moment you spoke.” I froze on the spot.

“I—I—I’m what?”

“You are my princess.”

“AWWWWW!!!” a chorus of voices rang out alerting me to the presence of the rest of the lads and their girlfriends.

“The oracles we hired,” Jane said proudly, “told us that they have a special connection. Maya is going to help Niall get back into his body since she summoned him from the poster.”

I did no such thing. I do not summon anyone.

“Maya is the only reason Niall manages to stay solid here,” Jordan added. “She helped him recapture his soul.”

I wasn’t responsible for that. They know that.

“They even read each other’s thoughts,” Jericho shot out. “Maybe one day Harry and I will be that close.”

“Yeah,” Laurie agreed with a smile. “Proper soul mates.”

No. That’s not it. Why do they all keep talking like this? It was just a coincidence. He could have popped out of any poster. I’m not someone’s princess. This is all some crazy dream.

I started to pinch myself desperate to wake up from all this craziness. This had to go away. At this rate I wasn’t sure what would happen next.

“Look, this is adorable and all,” Louis said waking me from my thoughts. “But if that is Niall.” He pointed to Niall’s body still in the coma. “And that is also Niall.” He pointed to Niall who was standing next to me. “How exactly are we going to get them together into one Niall?”

“I’ll call Kat and Rae,” Jane supplied pulling out her phone as Jordan and I groaned in protest. It was just getting worse by the minute.

[AN: This short story is getting closer to the end. If you want me to use your name and some major descriptor about you please message me. Hope you like it. Not my favorite chapter, but I need it to move things along.]

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