18- your voice

19 0 2

I miss your voice, but not because I still love you.
I miss your voice because it once sounded so beautiful to me
Nothing was more angelic, or sounded as sweet to my ears
I have not heard something as beautiful since we stopped speaking
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever hear that voice again, not in you, but in someone new
Because your voice does not hold the same angelic tone, for when you sounded like an angel I was blinded by love
That love has been disappearing a little more everyday, with the clarity I have received about who you really are
If I heard your voice again, I am sure it would not hold the same tone, the same majestical sound; the same beauty and ring as before
Because the magic has worn off, your voice would not bring me the same pleasure and joy as it used to; it will not touch my heart and make it beat with excitement
I may smile when I hear it - smile because of the memories which I still hold fondly in my mind
But it will not be able to captivate me like it used to, I will not be afraid to cross it, or feel obligated to forgive and do as it wishes of me
Because although once your voice was the most beautiful sound, the melody of my mind has since changed
And your voice no longer fits perfectly

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