16- high

20 0 0

Your kisses used to fill me with desire, the marks on my throat filled me with ecstasy. I became addicted, you were my drug. The way your hand would move down my back, to my thigh; the way your kisses would travel from my lips to neck, leaving shivers running down my spine. The way your every touch would leave me wanting more. You were my own kind of high and I enjoyed every minute of it; just floating in the clouds unaware of my surroundings. The way your hands touched, your lips kissed and body moved, it was too much. I fell infatuated, in love with the feelings only you could give me.
You were the dealer to my heart, and one day you decided to quit. I fell from my place in the sky, straight to the ground. I didn't understand at first, your drug still fresh coursing through my veins. But after a while I realized what had happened and my body ached for your return, just to feel your kisses once more. For it just wanted to be back in bliss, floating in ecstasy. Waiting for the return of that sweet, all fulfilling high, but soon I realized, you'd already found someone new to deal yourself to. So I stayed on the ground, wondering if I'd ever be able to have such a great high from someone else again

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