Every Raindrop

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{Kind of been playing with this idea for a while. It finally stuck last night :) }



When it is raining, you may look outside and see ruined plans or soiled fun. You may look out and see gloom. Endless hours of boredom may stretch before you. Or you may be just the opposite. At the sight of rain you may run outside and twirl around or dance and catch raindrops on your tongue. I have never seen it that way.

Every raindrop has a story to tell. Every seemingly insignificant bead of liquid has touched the tongues of ancient people and creatures. These drops have poured down on men, women, and children sailing to the New World. They have masked tears of sorrow in troubled times and caressed the faces of pure happiness. Death, Love, Happiness, Discovery, and the lives of those who have famed themselves as well as those who didn't have been touched by the very water droplets that you see out your window.

And what about storms? Frightening? I say otherwise, yet again. The raging winds bending trees and testing old barns roar like war cries. The slanted sheets of rain pouring from the sky, mixed something with sleet, pelt everything in its path beat like clubs. The thunder booming overhead like cannons and the lightening like the blinding flash of modern weaponry is notorious for startling unexpecting people and creatures.

This utter chaos calms me because it is only matched by the constant warring in my head. When the insanity is out in the open I can breathe and watch its beauty rather than live its downfalls. The sharp cracks of thunder, like whips against my eardrums is better than the whips set against my mind by society. The mist spraying in my face from the force of the rain and wind is a cold awakening to the sightlines right in front of me.

Of course...this could just be because I'm crazy.

Chapter One: Kotenok

Something wasn't right. It was far from normal, whatever it was. I knew that before I gained complete consciousness. I was too stiff, too still for this to be right. I was somewhere I shouldn't be. But how did I get there?

My eyes shot open and stung immediately. The dryness of them was shocking with the heavy humidity hanging in the putrid air around me. I rubbed and rubbed, working in the tears that came to aid my suffering. There was a buzzing in my ears and all I could clearly hear was the thoughts in my head.

Where could I be? Where could I possibly be? And how did I get here?


{TRANSLATIONS: Kotenok-Kitten}

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