Capes 2

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This policy has been their way of acting since long, since the betrayal of the elves and their conquest of the fertile lands on their borders to be precise. The dwarves themselves are a strange folk, short, wide 4, and hairy but also civilised, well educated and cunning. Though this also made them feel better then other peoples and after the fall of the elven empire, leaders of the world. This hauteur made them underestimate our forces.

The only new allies they have ever made were the mumina, nomads that lived on the plains of our side of the mountains, their numbers, originally not big, increased as they fled in front of our armies. They had such strong ties with them 5 that some dwarves started living on the plains and some mumina started living in dwarf cities.

The houses of dwarves were carved into the rocks, to keep the heat in they covered the walls in furs, just like the floors and the celing. Those furs were bought from the nomadic tribes and so peace was very important for those tribes making them essentially a second army.

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