Chapter 16

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Harley's POV

I woke up with a start, where the hell was I?? I stretched and looked around that's when everything from last night came flooding back. I was at Jays house my brother had to 'speak' with some people. I had put Alec to bed and watched horror movies with the guys. I checked my phone for what the time was. That's when I noticed the day; it was Friday which meant that school was in a few hours. One word to describe the situation FUCK!!

I began to panic about everything when one of the guys woke up "what's got you so antsy??"
"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that it's Friday!?"
"SHIT!!" Was all Ace said before he woke the others up.
"What the fuck is your problem Ace??" Cried Brodie after his rude awakening.
"Oh you know it's just that it's Friday today" after that statement Brodie shot up
"Crap" that was when Jay sat up
"What the fuck??" I rolled my eyes at the three of them, they reminded me so much of Hunter and Spider. Crap I have to call Hunter and make sure he's ok.

I looked around for my phone, it was on the couch. I snatched it up and called his number. There was nothing but the ringing till
"Hello??" I let out a sigh of relief
"Thank god, you're ok" he laughed down the phone
"Of course I am although I need to talk to you, you need to get here soon" this confused me
"But we have school" he laughed again
"No you don't they've had to close the school till Tuesday since the plumbings gone haywire, I got a text through a few minutes ago" I smiled
"Thank god, ok then I'll see you in a bit"
"Ok love you Har"
"Love you to bro"

I turned to the boys, "it's cool panic over, schools closed" they looked relieved
"How long for??" Asked Brodie
"Till Tuesday that's when we can go back" I replied
"Cool it's a long weekend" laughed Ace. I nodded
"Well I've gotta get home, I'll see you guys later" I turned to leave "oh and before I forget, I'll get your clothes back to you soon ok Jay" I heard him laugh
"It's cool as long as I get them back" I nodded
"Ok see you guys soon."

After that I grabbed all my crap and headed to my car. I threw it in the back before getting in the drivers seat and heading home. As soon as I enter the house I'm thrown over someone's shoulder, one look at the tribal tattoo and I instantly knew who it was "for fuck sake Spider stop picking me up" he laughed and put me down. He then scanned me to see if I was ok when he frowned
"Who's clothes are you wearing coz their dudes clothes" I laughed as Spider went into his protective mode. I find it funny since he treats me like a little sister and he becomes the scary big brother along with Hunter.

"You're right they are dudes clothes" his face formed an angry look. I laughed at him "don't worry it wasn't anything like that, I just needed clothes to sleep in" a look of relief washed over his face
"Good because otherwise the guy would disappear with out a trace" I laughed at him again as he gave me a hug
"Have you seen Hunter yet??"
"Yeah he's just getting ready" I nodded and that's when I heard him moving around upstairs. I rolled my eyes does he have to be so loud?? That was when I heard his footsteps near the stairs.

Spider must have heard them to because he shouted "hey Hunt, your sisters wearing some guys clothes" there was a quickening in pace of the footsteps and several bangs as he hit the stairs I heard him swear a couple times along with threats like 'I'm gonna kill that motherfucker', 'I'm gonna castrate that douche' and one that I couldn't help but laugh at 'I'm gonna knock that little shit out'. When he finally made it to us he had a glare on his face. It softened once he realised that I wasn't hurt.
"So what did you wanna talk to me about??" His face fell
"Let's go into the front room." Spider and I nodded and followed him in. We sat down on the couch while Hunter sat on the coffee table.

He had a guilty look on his face this was beginning to irritate me
"What's got you looking like you ran over a puppy??" He laughed nervously
"Well you know that I had to talk with some people last night" I nodded and waited for him to continue "well they wanna meet the great, legendary fighter Raven." I glared at him
"You promised me you wouldn't get me involved with these people again"
"It's a one off, please Har, I promise I'll make it up to you" I sighed I knew that if Hunter needed me to do it I would.
"Fine but you'd better have something good" he smiled and hugged me
"I'll take you snowboarding again"

I laughed at that "really, you can't snowboard for shit" he smiled
"By that I mean you'll snowboard and I'll ski" I nodded that sounded about right. There was still one question left unanswered
"No offence but whys Spider here??" Hunter smiled
"Simple these people think that your a badass, so you need to look the part" this left me more confused
"So this means..." I trailed off
"It means Spider is gonna let you borrow one of his cars and teach you a few moves" I rolled my eyes
"Like??" He smirked
"He'll teach you how to skid, amongst other things but the main thing he'll teach you to do is drift." My whole face lit up is always wanted to learn how to drift, it looked so cool and badass. Hunter chuckled at me
"You have a few days, better get practicing."

I smiled and turned to Spider "Well sensei you've got a lot to teach me lets go" he smiled at me
"Well let's get going I know the perfect car and the perfect place to teach you." I was about to head out the door when Spider stopped me
"Uh Harley I think you'd better change." I looked down and nodded
"Ok be back in five then we'll go" he nodded. I raced upstairs to get ready before racing back downstairs so we could leave. What?? I was excited.

*Time skip A few days later*

It had been a few days since Spider started teaching me how to drift, skid and other stuff. I could skid the car to a stop perfectly I could do so many of the other things I just couldn't get drifting right. I sighed for the hundredth time today "I'm never gonna be able to get this. It's impossible" I lowered my head at the thought. Spider just smiled at me
"You'll get it eventually, trust me" I looked up at him
"How do you know??" He smiled again
"Because I was the same way although you learnt to skid faster than I did" I laughed
"Ok well I guess that just means you're a good teacher" he laughed with me
"I guess you're right, now let me drift the car and you watch everything I do very, very closely and carefully ok??"

I nodded at him and got out the drivers side. He got in and I slid into the passengers seat. He started the car, I watched his movements intently. I watched how he moved the wheel, how he moved the gear stick and which pedals he pressed and when. All while this happened I felt the car drift around the area with such grace. It was amazing.

Once Spider had finished drifting he parked the car. "That's enough for one day, meet me back here tomorrow after school." I nodded and sighed, I preferred it when school was closed because Spider could teach me for longer and then we'd go to the gym. I gave him a hug,
"I'll see you tomorrow Spider" and with that I left.

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