Chapter 10

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Jay's POV

I was awoken on Saturday with my little brother jumping on my bed. "Hey buddy"
"Come on Jay get up, get up" I smiled
"Ok, ok I'm up, let me get dressed." He laughed
"Ok" and he ran out my room. I couldn't help but laugh at his behaviour before getting up and heading to the bathroom where I had a quick shower before going to my closet. I pulled out some black ripped skinny jeans and a tight fitting white tee.

Once I was ready I ran downstairs and into the front room where I saw Alec watching one of his shows. I snuck up behind him, grabbed his waist and tickled him. He burst out laughing "st- stop it" I smiled
"So champ what do you want for breakfast??" He smiled and began jumping up and down in his seat
"Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes" I laughed
"So pancakes?? Come on then" I walked into the kitchen with him on my heels "wanna help me make the batter??" He nodded and pulled up the stool.

I got out all the ingredients that we'd need before Putting them in the bowl. I then gave it to Alec who began mixing while I grabbed the pan. Once Alec was done he handed me the bowl and I poured some in the pan. "Hey buddy why don't you get out two plates" he nodded and set them on the side. Once I'd made the pancakes I set them on the plates. "Want any syrup??" He shook his head
"Chocolate" I laughed
"Are you sure?? They're chocolate pancakes with chocolate chips" he nodded his head and gave me the puppy dog eyes. "Damn that look, fine" he giggled and fist bumped the air.

I set everything out for him and he began to eat. I sat down and began eating mine when the door went. I sighed and got up, I opened the door to reveal Ace and Brodie. They came in and headed to the kitchen. I followed them in "there's some pancakes left if you want them"
"Cheers dude, I haven't eaten yet"
"Me either" and they both got some of the pancakes before joining Alec and me at the table. Alec laughed at the two of them when they started fighting over pancakes.

Once we'd all eaten I turned to Alec "what do you wanna do today??" He smiled
"can we go to the shopping place??"
"You mean the mall??" He nodded
"sure, you guys wanna come with us??" Ace and Brodie nodded. "Cool, Alec go put your shoes on" he races off and I grabbed his jacket for when he came back down. I slipped on my Vans and grabbed my black jacket when Alec came down stairs I gave him his jacket, grabbed my keys, phone and headed out to my car. It was an Aston Martin One 77. I strapped Alec in before heading off the guys followed behind in the Jeep.

Once we got to the mall I put Alec on my shoulders before we entered the mall. Once inside we headed upstairs to where Alec's favourite shop was. I let him down and he began racing around looking for things. When he came back to me he was holding a remote control race car "can I get it, can I?? can I??" I laughed
"Sure come on" and with that we headed to the cashier.

The lady smiled at me, she looked to be about the same age as me "it's so sweet that you'd take your son out, I mean there are some people that wouldn't want to be caught dead with a kid" I gave her a dumbfounded look
"He's not mine" she laughed
"Of course not" and she winked at me
"No seriously he's not, he's my brother" she just giggled and gave me the stuff once I paid.
"It's still adorable" she shouted after I'd  met up with the guys. I shuddered
"Let's leave like now" the laughed but agreed and we headed out.

Once out side I told the guys what happened and they laughed "dude she was so trying to get your number" I rolled my eyes
"No thanks"
"I can't believe she thought Alec was yours though, I mean no offence but you look about 17 and Alec looks about 4" replied Ace. I laughed
"None taken, besides I like the fact that I look about a year younger than I am." We laughed and wondered around a little longer till Ace's phone rang. He wondered of to talk so I turned to Alec an Brodie "wanna go to the food court??" They agreed and Brodie told Ace to meet us there.

We found a place and I went to order. Once I'd done that I headed back to the table where Brodie had Alec laughing like a maniac. As soon as I set everything down "FOOD!!" Was shouted by both of them causing people to give us weird looks. Soon Ace joined us "what was that all about??" I asked
"We've gotta go to the gym tonight" I nodded and sighed, I really wanted to spend some more time with Alec
"Hey champ, do you wanna stay round Ben's tonight??" He smiled and agreed.

We'd almost finished eating and joking around when I heard an irritating high pitched voice "hi boys mind if we join you??"
"Yes actual-" began Ace she giggled
"Thanks" and with that she squeezed her self next to me while her minions pulled up chairs. I heard Alec sneeze next to me. He did it again and again.
"What's wrong, are you sick??" I asked with concern he shook his head and pointed at Layla who was watching us
"She smells weird, it's making me sneeze" and if to prove the point he sneezed three more times. Layla scowled
"I don't smell weird this happens to be very expensive designer perfume" Alec shrugged
"You should ask for a refund" I had to stop my self from laughing. Layla looked infuriated
"Why you little-" I put my self between the two of them
"Enough!! Layla take your gang of hoes and leave. NOW!!" She glared at Alec before leaving.

*Time skip later that evening*

Once I'd dropped Alec off the guys and I headed to the gym. I signed in with Jack before changing and heading to the meeting. I noticed that everyone was here except for Raven. Where could she be?? I'd never seen her miss a meeting before.

I sat there and listened to what Steve the guy in charge of the champions had to say. " I have to say that you guys did very well with the events that happened a few days ago. I'm impressed with how you handled the attack from East Coast gym, I'd like to thank you for what you did especially Raven who unfortunately can't be here tonight, but anyway thanks to you Northwood gym is still intact." There was a couple moments of silence before he began to speak again "anyway since you're all here you should practice, champions are coming up soon and you all need to be ready."

After that we left and began training, I wasn't sticking to the schedule and went over to Ace and Brodie "guys are you staying round mine tonight??" They nodded
"Yeah sure, I don't see why not" I smiled
"Good because I think I need your help with something." After that I continued to train.

*Time skip later that night*

We'd just gotten to my place when the guys say in the living room on the couch. "What's up Jay??" Asked Brodie
"Yeah is something wrong??" I thought about telling them everything that was going on in my head, everything about liking Raven but also feeling attracted to Harley I thought against the idea but decided to tell them something else that was bothering me. "Well remember when I left school in the back of an ambulance with someone??" They nodded
"You told us it was nothing to worry about, why??" Asked Ace
"Well do you wanna know the full story??"

They nodded so I began
"I wasn't in the ambulance because I was injured, but because Harley was" I could tell they where gonna interrupt me so I held my hand up and continued "I found her down the back of one of the blocks at school, she was hanging limply from two football players arms. I kicked off and got them to leave and then went over to her. I didn't realise who it was till I removed her hair from her face. I then called the ambulance and headed to hospital with her."

The looks on they faces gave away their concern. I than continued "once there she was wheeled away and I was stuck waiting. That was when her brother came storming in. He seemed desperate to see her. The receptionist told him he had to wait, he came and sat next to me where I told him what happened. Then we where allowed to see her. When it was my turn she ended up waking up. She hugged me and cried, she wouldn't let go. When she did and we knew she'd be fine I decided I'd head home. That was when her brother stopped me. He asked if I could look out for her at school like I did then. What should I do??"

They looked at each other "Well why don't you look out for her but at a distance that way you can step in if needs be, we'll help anyway we can" answered Brodie I nodded and sighed
"Thanks guys, I just didn't know what to do" they smiled
"That's why we're here, to stop you making an ass of yourself." Joked Ace, I rolled my eyes
"Whatever guys, remember I've gotta pick Alec up early tomorrow" they laughed and headed to the room that they use when staying here. Once they where gone I couldn't help but argue with myself why didn't I tell them about how I felt about Raven and Harley?? They could have given me advice on what to do. They could have helped me out. With that final thought in my head I headed up to bed.

Thought I'd give you a little insight in Jays life and why he's the way he is.

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