Ventuswills Departure

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*The Day Before The 3 Year Mark*
Lucy's POV

The time for me and Starlight to leave was almost here, and I didn't really didn't want to leave. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited to go back to Fairy Tail and see my friends again. It's just that I've gotten used to life with Ventuswill. All of a sudden Starlight appeared in front of me.

"You've got to stop doing that, your gonna give me a heart attack one day!," I tell her smiling.

"That's what I'm aiming for," she said sticking her tongue out.

"Come on, let's go outside," I tell her. I walk out of my home with her flying next to me.

Throughout these past 3 years, I have mastered the moves I learned during my first year. This year I had learned Ventuswill's special powers, but I didn't master them. I can turn invisible but sometimes I can't control it when I'm embarrassed or scared, so my body automatically turns invisible. I can only teleport short distances. And when I use telepathy, sometimes I use it without meaning to.

We spent the rest of the day today training. I noticed that Ventuswill looked depressed, but when I asked her why, she said she was fine and gave me a smile. The thing was it didn't reach her eyes.

At the end of the day, Ventuswill told me that would be leaving tomorrow.

"Alright, see you tomorrow then Ventuswill!," and began walking home. Starlight had already went inside without me.

"Lucy," I heard Ventuswill say behind me. I turned around.

"Just know that when you leave tomorrow that I will always be with you," she said with a sad smile. I smiled back and walked back home. Starlight was waiting for me on our hammock. I picked her up and later down, laying starlight on top of me.

"Hey Lucy?," she asked me quietly

"Yeah Star?," I asked.

"What's Fairy Tail like?," she asked me while yawning.

I chuckled. "Well, Fairy Tail has always been like a family. We care for each other and always help. Each other out. I was always with Team Natsu. There was Wendy. She is a sky dragon slayer. She the youngest in the team and is very shy but really sweet. Then there is Gray. He's an ice make Mage and always seemed to lose his clothes somehow," I laughed at the memory. I looked at Starlight, who was still awake, listening intently.

"There was Erza. She is really strong and uses requip magic. She is very strict at times but she means well. There was also Happy. He is an exceed like you who always begged for me to get him fish," I sighed. "Then there was Natsu. I always thought he was the strongest out of the entire team, and I still do. He was always happy  and liked to always ask me out to go on jobs with him. He also got into a lot of fights with Gray but Erza was always there to keep them in check."

"They all sound nice," Starlight yawned while closing her eyes. " I can't wait to meet them tomorrow."

"Yeah," I muttered closing my eyes, allowing my self to be consumed by the darkness. "I can't wait to see them too."

*The Next Day*

"Lucy! Lucy!"

I wake up to a tingling in my back and a teary Starlight.

"What's wrong? What happened Star?," I asked her, trying to calm her down.

"She's not here!," Starlight sobs.

"Who's not here?," I asked confused. That's when it came to me.

"Ventuswill! I can't find her anywhere!" She tells me, confirming my thoughts.

I run outside and look around. Starlight was right. Ventuswill was nowhere in sight. I collapsed to my knees, recalling what Natsu had told me about when Igneel had suddenly disappeared. A sob breaks out from my chest. I then remember how Ventuswill was so depressed yesterday. I continued to cry for who knows how long. I finally calmed down, trying to gain control of myself. Starlight had calmed down too but was sniffling next to me. I took Starlight in my arms when all of a sudden, Loki appeared in front of me.

"You ok?," he asked me, bending down on his knees.

Yeah, I'm fine," I muttered while looking down at the grass.

"I need to take you to earth land right know," he told me

"Alright, just let me say goodbye to this place because I don't think I'll be coming back," I told him while looking back at my home.

"I can't wait long," he told me me.

"It won't take long," responded while walking back and letting Starlight fly next to me. I looked around, thinking of all the memories I've made here. Then I saw a little box in the corner. I walked over to it and sat down next to it, starlight doing the same. I opened it and almost cried again. It was a necklace with a silver strap and a golden chain in the shape of a shooting star. There was also a tiny bracelet that was most likely meant for Starlight. I put on the necklace while helping Starlight put on here brackets on her wrist. She began to cry again, so I carried her out and walked over to where Loki was still standing.

"Alright, I'm ready," I told him in a quite voice.

"Ok, hold my hand, then close your eyes," he told me.

I did as he told me and I felt the same pressure I felt 3 years ago. When the pressure was gone, I opened my eyes to find that Loki had disappeared, Starlight was still in my arms, and that we were at the edge of Magnolia.

I was back at earthland.

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