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*One year later*
-Lucy's POV

"Celestial Dragon Roar!"

A beam of light blasted out of my mouth toward a large rock. Once I was done, all that was left was rubble.

" you have progressed child," Ventuswill told me. She was sitting in the side lines. "So far, that is your best move. Now do the rest."

I closed my eyes and began to inhale.

"Celestial Dragon Meteor Strike!," I yell out and put my hands together , creating an orb between them. I then release the orb in front of me and it separates into hundreds of orbs and hits the pile of rubble once more.

I breath heavily and place my hands on the ground and concentrate.

"Celestial Dragon Pillar!," I scream, as pillar of light bursts through the ground, a few feet ahead of me.

I got up getting ready for my final move. I let out a shaky breath. I then raised both of my fists and concentrated my magic energy there. Light began to enclose around my hands.

"Celestial Dragon Secret Art: Blasting Nebula!" I screamed as I clasped my hands together causing a large explosion all around. By the end, I was panting heavily. I looked around me, taking in the damage I had done.

"It has been one year and you have progressed far more than I had expected you to. Since today marks the day we first met, I have a present that I think you will love. Come on, it's back home. You have done enough training for today," Ventuswill told me as I was walking over to her.

We began to walk home (aka: my cave) and it began to get dark. As I lived here this past year, I began to notice how this location in the spirit world was very similar to earth land. Once we arrived home, Ventuswill ushered me to go inside to see my gift, smiling the entire time. I entered my cave to find a large box next to my hammock. I carried it outside with little effort.

"Ok, now open it,"Ventuswill told me as I sat down next to the box. I opened the box to find a large star patterned egg. I gasped realizing what it was.

"Is that a-"

"Yes it is," she replied chuckling. "That's an exceed egg."

"Oh my Mavis! Thank you thank you thank you!" I screamed and ran over to hug her neck. " I love you," I whispered into her neck.

"I love you too, child," she whispered back. I released her and walked back to the egg.

"What are you going to name it once it hatches?," Ventuswill asked me.

"I'm not really sure. I want to decide once it hatches," I replied, smiling at it.

"Well you must be tired after today's training. We will continue tomorrow. Go and take your egg with you and get some rest," Ventuswill ordered me with a smirk.

"Aye sir!," I saluted and carried the egg back to my home, but before I entered inside, I turned back to Ventuswill. "Goodnight, and... Thank you," I said to her with a shy smile.

"Anything for you child," she replied, smiling back.

I walked inside and sat down in my hammock, putting the egg next to me rapped in one of the blankets Ventuswill gave me. I later down trying to sleep when I heard a crack.

I shot up and looked down at my egg. There on the top was a large crack. I picked up the egg and it hatched in my hands. At first all I could see was its head but then it began to crawl out onto my lap. I let the egg shell fall to the ground and admired the new born exceed on me. It was a girl. It had star yellow fur with a large white spot in the center of her chest. In the white spot was a light blue star. At that point I new just what to name her.

"Starlight," I whispered. It looked up at me with its ocean blue eyes.

"Mama," it cried, smiling. I smiled back and held her close and we both fell asleep.

The Power of a Celestial Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now