chapter 25

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Maddy's POV


"Sam, is that you?"

I walked downstairs. I heard a loud bang and I ran upstairs and hid in a cabinet in the bathroom.
I heard banging sounds and I got out my phone and called the police and told them where I was.

I heard so many things
I heard the persons voice it was deep.
I heard that it was guy
I heard glass shatter
I heard footsteps walk upstairs.
I heard that they got closer and closer
I heard him open the bathroom door & I heard him walk inside

Next thing I know a guy in a black hoodie is covering my mouth with a gun pointed to my head.
He screamed at me to shut up but,
I heard Sam walk inside
I heard him say,
"Hey Maddy the others went to eat but I thought we could spend some alone time,"
I tried to yell at him not to come up here but I couldn't speak the guy kicked me.
All I could think is that he is going to shoot Sam.
I bursted out crying at the thought of loosing him.

The guy had the the gun pointed straight at my head.

Sam called my name again
He walked into the bathroom and saw me sitting there with tears streaming down my face and he froze he just stood there. I looked at him and he had a sad look in his eyes.
Then all of a sudden he ran towards me trying the grab the gun to shoot the guy.

Next thing I know Sam's bleeding
And lying on the floor.
"SAM," I screamed with tears pouring down my face.

The police arrived and took the guy.
Then the ambulance arrived but Sam had almost lost all his blood.
A ton of thoughts
Popped into my head all I could think was,

Why did that guy break in?
Why did he shoot Sam?
Why didn't he shoot me?
Why Sam?
Why not me?-

But the biggest thoughts that came across my mind were,
"What if Sam doesn't make it?"
"What would I do without him?,"

Sorry for the short chapter but new one coming soon :)
Love y'all
-Samsbabee <3

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