Chapter 22

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Maddy's POV

"We're looking for Madison,"
A nurse called out
"Here, I'm here," I replied.
"Ok come back with us and what are you here for?," the nurse asked me.
"To figure out why I can't have a baby."
I said.
"Ok we are first going to run some tests,"
"Ok," I sighed.
After the nurse took some blood tests and x-rays and stuff she came back with an upset look on her face.

Sam's POV

Since Maddy was at the doctors today I went to the beach with Kian and Jc since I had nothing else to do. We penny boarded to a Panera first
then after we went to the beach and just chilled for awhile.
"Hey guys do y'all think I should propose to Maddy?,"
"If your ready," Jc said.
"Yeah," Kian added.
Well I think I should wait awhile like until Jc and Jojo get married.
"Sounds good," they both said.
After a couple hours at the beach we decided to head back to the house. Savy was at our house with Jojo and Lyric. When we walked inside Lyric and Savy were asleep on Jojo.
"Is Maddy home yet," I asked Jojo.
"Yeah she's upstairs in her room she's been up there since she got home and I think something is wrong." Jojo said.
"K thanks," I said as I ran upstairs.
I walked into Maddy's room and she was sitting on her bed staring at the ceiling.

Maddy's POV
Sam walked in and sat on my bed.
"What's wrong babe?," Sam asked me.
"Nothing," I said grouchly
"Damn what's up with you?," he asked.
"I can't get pregnant," I said.
"Hey it's okay we can keep trying or we can ado-" I cut him off and I just started bursting out in tears.
"Why,but I...I thought you wanted a baby why...cccant you keep trying," he stuttered confusedly.
"CAUSE SAM I...I have cancer I have fucking cancer," I said as millions of tears fell from my eyes
I felt like I could cry an ocean.
Sam looked at me and I saw a tear fall from his eyes he looked as if his whole world had just fallen apart.
"Sam I' really sorry I didn't mean to shout I ju-" he cut me off by kissing me.
"I love you" he whispered
"I love you more," I said
as our foreheads touched.
We just sat there until Jojo and Savy came in and I told them and they sat there looking shocked.

2 months later

Maddy's POV

My cancer treatment started about a couples of weeks ago and and my hair has mostly all fallen out.
My next doctors appointment is at 3 and it's currently 2:30
"I better get going," I told Sam.
"I'll come with you," Sam said.
"No you don't have to it's ok," I said.
"Ok," Sam said
He walked over and kissed my cheek
"See ya later" Sam said.

At my doctors appointment my doctor told me I had approximately 4 months to live that the cancer treatment wasn't helping and the cancer would soon get bad enough to kill me. I didn't want to tell Sam I just don't want to hurt him even more.
I drove home and when I got home I didn't see Sam
"Sam, where are you?"
"IN HERE," I heard him shout.
I walked in and he had a table set up outside with candles and pizza.
"Oooooh my kinda date," I said.
"I know," Sam said giggling

I don't know what to do anymore this story is boring and I'm starting to hate it :(
- @Samsbabee

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