7. Asami

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(FANFIC AUTHORS WHO UPDATE EVERYDAY TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!! heh heh... sorry for the wait! Blame school and supernatual. :P So, I wrote this "aftermath" chapter a little differently than Mako or Bolin's. I wanted to make this one a little more emotional, and hopefully I succeeded! Also, I used this amazing poem named "Sky Gets Sad". It was not written by me, but John Read. So credits to them! Without further ado, here is the chapter!
...buuut first the disclaimer. If I owned LOK, there would be no plot line. Whatsoever. Just shipping. But, alas, I don't. Neither do I own the poem used.

             You taught me how to laugh.
                    I never used to cry
             And every time I think of you
                   I gaze up to the sky

The first day after was the hardest. Asami had spent the night in a shock state. All around her, family and friends and strangers were sobbing and sniffling and screaming. The only reactions she remembered were Mako and Bolin's.

It was indescribable. Walking in on that scene had been like walking in on a nightmare. Mako, knees in a pool of red liquid, was shaking a woman's shoulders. This woman was under a tree.

Asami hadn't caught on at first. The tornado was gone, where was Korra? It was only when Bolin shouted "NO!" at the sky that Asami had finally gotten it.

And in that very second of realization, Asami died. A part of her was already dead, under that tree. But her heart- her heart froze over. The blood in her veins stopped flowing.

Bolin fell to his knees. Mako was sobbing something about how it was all his fault. The mechanic heard none of it. All of her attention was focused on the girl in front of her.

The dead girl in front of her.

Asami's mind clicked together at what had happened. By the view before them, and how Mako was sputtering she shoved him, the raven-haired girl figured it out.

The tree was about to fall on Mako. Korra, probably to exhausted to bend Mako out of the way, had run forward and pushed him.

Korra had died for Mako.

Korra was dead.

Korra was dead.

That was the last thing Asami remembered thinking before fainting on the ground.

Right next to her wife.

      Lovely memories come flooding back
         Special times and things we did
               I smile when I think of you
                  Just like a little kid

Asami had woken in the middle of the night on a soft mattress. Her first thought was "Where is Korra? Oh, she must still be in the Fire Nat-"


Not even knowing what she was doing, Asami stumbled out of bed. She was going to find her. She was going to find Korra. She must be around here somewhere on Air Temple Island.

Asami wasn't sure how long she stumbled about. A loud cry jolted her from her wanderings. She followed the cry to a gazebo; Asami recognized it as the one Korra and Tenzin would come to while meditating. Jinora stood there, elbows on the railing, head buried in her hands. Her shoulders shook and loud breaths were coming from her mouth.

Asami walked forward and put her hand on the younger girls back. Without a word, Jinora whirled around and buried her face in Asami's shirt. The airbender continued to sob, muttering incoherent words. Finally, Asami made out a sentence.

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