1. Bolin

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(A/N: Hello again guys! So, this fic is basically each of the Krew's thoughts after Korra dies, leading up to the funeral. I will do one character at a time, and the backstory will be given. The story takes place 10 years after Book 4, and I will give the ages of the characters when it's their part of the story. This is Bolin's part, so he's 30, and Opal's 29. Oh, and one more thing: Korra dies at age 31 in this universe. :( I am thinking this will have about 10 parts, so hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own LOK or any of its characters. All of those belong to their rightful owners.)

Bolin always thought he would be the one to die first.

It would just be more heart- wrenching and depressing that way.

The comical guy does some noble act and all his friends surround him, begging him not to leave. The dying guy makes some joke about death, and the friends laugh lightly through their tears. Dying guy has deep moment, and dies.

The end.

Bolin never thought Korra would be the one to die first.

He really should've considered it more, because she was always rushing into danger and doing selfless deeds.
And she had almost died so many times it could've crossed his mind that her luck would run out.

But imagining a world without Korra was like imagining a world without the Sun.

It was unthinkable.

But here he was, here the whole world was, without a Sun.

"I was going to ask her to be the godmother," Opal whispered, one night where the both couldn't sleep.
Bolin rolled over on the bed to face her, tears already starting to form in his eyes. He was crying so much these days he hardly ever noticed when tears started to spill on his cheeks.

Opal absentmindedly started to rub her huge stomach. Korra always joked that the baby would become a masseuse because of all the petting the child got.

"She helped me so much, from my airbending to this baby. I thought no one could be better." Opal had started to cry, and Bolin had too. He pulled her against his chest, and the rest of her sobs were muffled against his shoulder.

Suddenly, Bolin had an idea. He pulled Opal away from his chest to look her in the eyes.

"If it's a girl, let's name her Korra, " he said. The tiniest of smiles formed on the airbenders lips.
"Korra," she repeated, "Korra Beifong."

Bolin's lips didn't turn upward, but the corners of his bright green eyes crinkled. The earthbender pulled his wife against him once again, and listened as her breaths turned steady.

His eyes were about to slip closed, when a sudden cool burst of air jolted him awake again. Bolin lifted his head, and for a moment-just a moment- he thought he saw her.

In the moment he saw her, Korra's body was blue, so what he was seeing was her spirit. One hand rested against the doorframe, the other hanging at her side.

On the Avatar's face was the smile Bolin had missed so much.
Then he blinked, and she was gone.

Lying back on the bed, Bolin thought of her coming back down to check on them. He thought of the smile on her face when she heard that he and Opal were going to name their daughter after her.

With those thoughts fresh in his mind, Bolin smiled the smile only Korra could coax out of him.

(A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the first part. I typed this pretty quickly, so please point out and punctuation or spelling errors. See you all in the next chapter!)

Oh How the Mighty Die (A LOK Fanfic) [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2017]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt