chapter 2

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When we arrived at school, we were surrounded by all of our friends.  Torrie: the small but vicious one, Daisy: the one that's obsessed with Hello Kitty, Destiny: the clingy one, Klo: the athletic one, CayCay: the one that LOVES The Hunger Games, AshLee: the scene one, and Katie: the Teen Wolf lover.

"Where have you guys been?" Torrie asked, "It's 7:20! You guys were supposed to be here at 7:00!" Me and Tay laughed becauseit was usually Torrie that was always late.

"Sorry, this dumbass," Tay said pointing to me, "Woke up late." I lokked over at Tay and stuck my tounge and she jabbed me in the side, causing me to flip her the bird.

"Whatever," Torrie said sarcastically, "Let me see your scheduels." she said, sticking her hand out.

"Why?" Me and Tay asked dumbly and clearly confused.

"So I can see what classes we have together. Duhh numbnuts." she explained to us like we were five.

"Ohhh...." I said. We all broke out into fits of laughter. After we were done, 5 mins later, we passed aroung=d all our class scheduels.

"Taylor, you, and I have all the same classes toghether." Torrie said with fake sadness in her voice. Ty and I knkew it was fake because we've been hoping this would happen. Us three were the three best friends. No offence to our other friends but its true. we hung out toghether all the time and were like sisters.

"Let's go!!" Torrie yelled in excitment as she dragged me and Tay to our first period class. Math. Once we got inside the class room we found our seats in the back corner. We would have sat somewhere else, but we like to talk to each other, a lot, so we decided to be nice to the teacher this year and sit in the back where he can't here us. After about 10mins of talking and people picking their seats and talking, the teacher finally came in and the bell rung. The teacher was a short stubby man with a bald head and had horribly covered tatoos on his arms. You could tell that he tried to put makeup on them to make them look like they weren't there. He failed. One kid pointed them out to his friends and they all snickerd. Then the teacher began to talk,

"Hello class!" he said in a weird shrilly voice that was REALLY annoying, "My name is Mr. Benjamin, and I will be your Math teacher for your Junior Year of High School." he said while writing his name on the board.

"He seems weird." Torrie said and Tay nodded her head in agreement.

"I have a bad feeling about him." I said as I faked chills. Mr.Benjamin looked at everyone in the class and his eyes stoped on me. He had this weird look in his beedy little eyes. It was like he knew something that I didn't. Like he knew something about ME that I didn't. After a minute he looked away.

"Okay class," he started to say but was suddenly cut off by the principal, Mrs.Adams, walked in followed by the hottest guy I have ever seen. He had blue eyes and black hair and not to pale skin. He was amazing, "Mrs.Adams, I didn't expect to see you." said Mr.Benjamin stupidly.

"It's my school, Mr.Benjamin. Of course you're going to see me every once in a while." She said in a 'duh' voice. Mr.Benjamin looked like a five year old that had just been scolded by his mother. "Anyways," Mrs.Adams continued, "This here," she said pointing to the hot guy, "Is Blake Summerwhole. He transferred here from New York City. Everybody say hello." the whole class chimed in a hello and went back to talking. After that the principal left. Blake. I thought to myself. What a cute name. Oh how I wish too- my thought was cut off by our teacher talking,

"Okay then." Mr.Benjamin said with a sigh, "Blake, tell us a little about yourself." he said motioning to the spot in front of everyone in the class.

Blake cleared his throat and began to talk, " Well, my name is Blake and I love the color black and have a feternal twin brother." His voice.... It was deep and amazingly sexy.

"Good to know," Mr.Benjamin said, "You can go ahead and take a seat where ever you'd like." Blake headed to where Torrie, Tay, and I were seated and took the seat next to me. Torrie and Tay gave me an excited look and mouthed 'talk to him'. I looked over at him, but he was already looking at me. I got a chill but ignored it and started to speak but couldn't. I noticed to look he was giving me. It was like the one that Mr.Benjamin gave me, except their was traces of lust, unlike Mr.Benjamins, which were traced with hate and disgust. The bell rung and Mr.Benjamin dismissed us.


sorry that was so short. i decided that im going to try to finish this book as fast as i can because no ones reading so i just want to get it over with and then im probably going to wait a few days and then take it down so that i can jus read and not write. i feel like its a waste of time because no one reads my stories and there's no point. the only reason im finishing it is because my friends making me. anyways, byee


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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