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Not only does Kristin have the capability to destroy an apple that ends up in mass destruction, but she also has the intelligence and decisiveness of a fox. That is the gateway for her next attack: Beggar. She is a master at makeup and fashion, and could make herself look like anyone given the right tools and time. She could make herself look like a student, one who didnt get any food. Then, she goes around asking for food.

Since you may not know if she is or isn't Kristin, it would be wise to give them food, to be nice, in case it is a hungry student. But never, and I mean NEVER give her an apple. Whether its Kristin or not, you do not take the chance of giving an apple to this insane girl. If you msake the mistake of giving Kristin an apple, you could lose all your friends from the result of an apocalyptic cafeteria. Should Kristin start chaos from you, then all whom you love and have respecting you will despise you for life.

I've seen it. A friend who doesn't go here anymore because of the mass rejection. Her life was destroyed once she gave a disguised Kristin an apple. She left to start a new life in Mississippi, because of how often she was attacked for her simple mistake.

Kristin Roeglin strikes again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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