Unbroken {A Jelena Story}

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I was alone as usual in my bathroom cutting myself,




But mostly alone.

I sighed and went to get dressed for school. One more year of torture and I'll be off to college where no one can make fun of me, hate me or use me.

I'll be able to just be me, and most importantly, be loved.

Whenever I look into the future I see me and my happy family with my loving husband by my side.

I apologize, my name is Selena Marie Grace Gomez and I am 17 turning 18 next year. Well next year I will be finishing high school and going to college.

Oh and one thing, I am constantly bullied  by Jasmine, Miley and Mila. I can be bullied by anybody and not say a thing. It started in 4th grade when I was bullied for the first time.

"Look at her frizzy tangled hair!"

"I heard her mom is dead"


That night I got a razor and cut my wrist. My mum caught me and made me promise to never do it again. I promised but when I got to high school it got worse.....no one would even talk to me. Only the teachers and the friendly lunch lady.

Anyway when I got to school I got to my locker and got everything I needed for Homeroom. I honestly only needed my agenda book and that is it.

As I was walking don the hallway people went further away from me. It's like my air will kill them or something.

I sighed and put in my earphones walking to homeroom.

As usual I sat down at the back oblivious to my environment for now. 

Mr. Tauris walked in front of the class and began talking.

"Class, today we've got two new kids from LA who recently arrived here in Texas,,,," blah blah blah. I don't care, the new kids are going to be rude and ignore me, they always do after a few days of being told fake stories about me. 

"Selena!" he screamed at me.

"Yes?" I said looking up at him.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Pretty much, yeah why?"

"Just pay attention, and if you do not listen I'm gonna take your phone away!" he warned.

I gulped and nodded while putting my phone away. All the class immediately started whispering nd laughing to each other. I rolled my eyes and just sat back in my chair.

Mr. Tauris was talking to someone outside the class before he came in smiling widely like a kid from the candy store.

Or a pedophile in a strip club. 

Anyway he introduced the two kids, one was a boy and the other was a girl.

"Class this is Demi and Justin Bieber, they will be joining us until we graduate ok? Now, Demi introduce yourself."

"My full name is Demitria Brianna Bieber and I am 17, same with Justin. You can call me Demi and I love music." she said smiling at us.

"I'm Justin Bieber, you don't need my other names. I am Demi's younger brother and I look forward to working with all of you." he said with a neutral look,  hint of smile I think.

The girl is pretty with a bitof a strong aura.

And the guy, well, he was something else. But I am not going to do anything about it for now.

"Hey, I'm Justin." he said sitting next to me holding his hand out. I looked at his hand and shook it slowly looking in his eyes.

"Selena." I said in a low tone.

He smiled at me and turned forward. He seems like a nice guy.

Man, this is gonna be one hell of an adventure.

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