Chapter 30

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“ So Joshua knew the significance of this star you reckon “ Suzannah said kicking her shoes off

“ I’m not sure , I don’t think so , not totally . I’m not making sense am I , but I think he knew the church wanted it so then he wanted it , and to annoy them he changed it by putting a 7 in the middle , kinda re branding it , but that doesn’t mean to say he ever owned it, maybe he just saw a picture “ I replied

Suzzanah nodded putting her shoes to the side of the chair “ Saw it as the 7 deadly sins maybe “

I laughed , “ Well he certainly covered all of them in his life “

“ Lucky him “ Suzannah said picking up the file

“ You know John I reckon this 7 maybe the key , but what do you think it might mean . I know I’ve seen it someplace else , I just know I have “

“ Well Suzannah whilst your thinking I need to ring to tell the Gestapo   my findings, give me five minutes

I walked into the kitchen and punched in kreys number . The cell rang out maybe five or six times and went onto answerphone .

,Mr Krey , this is me , just keeping you up to speed  , I have made some progress . Can you call me please’

I hung up and walked back into the study throwing the phone on the table

“ John , I know where I have seen that 7 before “

“Where “ my heart leapt

“ Every day , how stupid of me , for the last twenty five years since I left school , its above the door at the library , his old place , Joshuas Courthouse “

I thought hard trying to picture it

She excitedly continued

“ One of those gargoyles is holding it , holding a seven “

“ Yes yes yes …You’re right “ I exclaimed “ and the other is holding some scales “

Suzannah grabbed my hand across the table “ We are getting there , I know we are “

" Yes I think so too , but why a seven and why scales , what are the scales for "

" Oh that's easy Suzannah replied " Scales represent law and order , balanced view "

" Of course silly me , so one side is law and order the other is his 7 held up by a devil like creature "

Suzannah scribbled a 7 on her pad , she had a habit of doodling , she pointed at the 7

" He thought this 7 was important enough to have over his favourite place . Where he played God , where he was Judge and Jury "

" Yes " I added " You know were aren't far off , we need to think hard "

" Shall I make a drink John " Suzannah leaned back in her chair , putting her pen on her notepad

" Good idea Suzannah , Oh I meant to say , I put your stuff upstairs in your room . It's the second door on the right . There's an ensuite and a walk in closet . I've put loads of fresh towels , but if you need anything else , just ask "

I followed Suzannah into the kitchen and leaned against the central unit , spinning a salt cellar around my fingers .

" You know Suzannah , tell me to mind my own business , but what about your husband in all this "

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