Letter 7

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Dear Luce

Your are so kind, you try to cheer me up when im down, I will work things out with my friends, or get some new ones. But for now i will have to take each day as an unknown step to the future.

But your ridiculous, still wanting to know who i am, i told you  that you wouldent understand but here it is anyway...

We may seem alike personalities way, but we are nowhere near the same, if we were together it would be like, Pigs and Horses, just wiers and a bit wrong. I dont really care, but, everone else does, it like, either i can be happy and everybody close to me upset, or i can deal with it and live with the pain but my friends and family still be happy. I cant hurt the ones close to me, but i cant stay away from you, and one of these days i will find a way, no matter how hard it is.

Only one other person knows about these letters, he is my brother, he dosent fully understand, but he was in love and he let it pass, and he says it was the biggest mistake of his life. He dosent understand, but he dosent want me to end up like him, sad, lonely, lost, regretfull.So he keeps it a secret, im sorry Luce, i needed to tell someone. But another problem is that, my parents looked through the year book and scribbled out and girls im not allowed to date, you guessed it you were one of them, the have a certaing type, the prettiest, wealthiest girls. But to me nobody could be prettier than you, but i cant betray my parents, they dont ask much of me.

Its okay if you still dont understand, but if you do, thats great.

Yours lovingly Annoymus

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