Chapter 11

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Liam isn't going to his swimming lesson with Zayn tonight, and this has nothing to do with the way Zayn's been acting lately. It has to do with the fact that Liam can barely sit up without threatening to vomit all over the floor.

"You've got a fever," Mary says, leaning over him. "Best to stay in bed for the rest of the day. I wouldn't even suggest you getting a drive home, hun."

Liam wants to thank her for coming up here when Harry ran down to the kitchens to get her. He likes Mary, but he barely gets to see her because of their busy schedules. She reminds him of his mum. She's all warm smiles and ugly old jumpers and she constantly smells like dessert. All that comes out of his mouth is a groan, though.

He watches as Mary turns to Harry. "You're going to have to get someone to cover his shift, and I'd suggest finding someone else to take care of him."

Harry nods. "I know just the person," he says. When she gives Liam one last, feeble smile, Harry shuts the door behind her and says, "I'm getting Louis."

"I'm fine," Liam lies.

"You look like shit," Harry tells him flatly.

"Thanks," Liam says weakly.

"Sorry, Liam, but it's the truth. And I don't want to leave you alone, but we can't both take the day off. I'm getting Louis. He'd probably be pissed if he found out and we didn't anyways."

"Fine," Liam reluctantly agrees, just as another wave of nausea hits him. He lets his head fall back against the pillow and squeezes his eyes closed, willing it to pass. He's already thrown up twice, and he has nothing left in his stomach anymore. Dry heaving hurts, and this time he's not sure if he can make it to the bathroom.

"Just-- don't die until I get back at least, okay?" Harry orders.

"I hate you so much," Liam moans.

Harry winces at him before running out the door. Once he's gone, Liam focuses on not throwing up, and then focuses on just getting back to sleep. He can't remember the last time he felt this sick. He knows that he's missing work, and he's going to miss his swimming lessons with Zayn. He's going to miss everything today, and there's not a thing he can do about it, because there is no way he's getting out of this bed unless it's to go to the bathroom and/or throw up. Maybe even at the same time, given the state of his stomach.

Sadly, it's not just his stomach. He feels weak and exhausted, and his head is pounding. It's like every single part of him that could be sick decided to do just that today.

He must have succeeded in falling asleep, because the next thing he hears is Louis', "Oh, wow, he really does look like shit."

"I wasn't lying," Harry snaps.

Liam cracks his eyes open to face them, and Louis comes over and places a hand on his forehead. "You're hot," he comments. "Really hot."

"Thought you said I look like shit," Liam points out.

Louis laughs. "You really do, babe," he admits. "But don't worry, I've got you covered. You just stay in bed, and I'll make sure your rooms are cleaned today. Where's your uniform, anyways? I doubt I'll be able to get my big bum into your pants, but I'll fit in the shirt, at least."

Liam's not the only one surprised by Louis' words. "I thought you were going to watch him!" Harry says loudly.

"Don't yell," Liam begs. "Please."

"Sorry," Harry whispers before repeating, "But I thought you were going to watch him, Louis."

Liam watches as Louis shakes his head, and it makes his own head spin even more. "Someone's got to cover his shift or you're going to be left with a lot of extra work, right?"

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