You Killed Me

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I got this one off Lauren Olivers "Delirium." the problem is this was a dream.

This was probably the scariest dream- I don't know why.


The sky is pale, and the ocean is that steely gray, that windtossed gray it gets before the storm. There's a whole line of them----- women, up on a high wooden plank on the island which I'm floating to. They stand there, shaking from the cold, staring at the men smiling in dark blue uniforms around them.

The women get pushed off one by one.

The first went into the cold gray water and didn't resurface. The second struggled against the men as they pushed her off the plank. It goes on and on.

One, is different. Her black hair is stark against the pale sky. Her skin is as white as bone, and she looks around. She stares at each man, as their arms come around to push her off. She twists away, running to the edge and launching herself in. There's a moment of quiet as her body twists in the air.... The moment between life and death, and then she goes down. Screaming.

"You killed me!" she screams, piercing the quiet. "You killed me! You killed me!" she says as she goes down, eyes filled with terror. She hits the water with a thud, and dies, going under.

But the voice still echoes in my ears "You killed me! You killed me!" the sharp shriek.

And for some reason I feel like I killed her.

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