Chapter 11

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*beep beep beep* The alarm rang as Linda rolled over in her bed, groaning. She shut off her alarm clock and got out of bed, putting on her black pant suit and applying her makeup. She threw her hair up into a bun and slipped on her shoes for work. It was going to be another boring day in the office writing articles about the events that nobody cares about.

She opened her bedroom door to find her father reading the newspaper and her mother cooking. "Where did you get the food and newspaper?" Linda asked. "I ran out to the store this morning" her mother chirped while scrambling eggs. Her father looked up from his newspaper and smiled at her. "So how was your date?" He asked. Linda then told her parents about the wonderful time that she had with Chase last night and even included the funny parts and then explained how she really loved him.

Her mother finished preparing breakfast and the three of them sat down to eat. Linda had about 20 minutes until she had to leave so she ate fast and excused herself to finish getting ready. When she was done, she hugged her parents good bye, gave them money for lunch and left.

At work, people were running around like always trying to get their articles in by the deadlines that were set for them. They all types away on computers and scrambled trying to get last minute information on their topics. There was an interview room on the side where Linda was pretty sure Steven Tyler was being interviewed. Walking to her office, she saw Chase and waved at him. He waved back and smiled. She turned around and closed the door to the office.

Linda was the editor in chief and she was in charge of this week's issue getting out on time. She was one of the few bosses in the company so everyone went to her with questions.

She spun around in her spinning chair and wrote an article about the use of cell phones in today's society.

It read:     Cell phones today are a common and well known piece of technology. The world seems to revolve around using them. From online banking, to calling an uber, almost everything can be accessed by this little device. It is the source of many fights but also helps spread information from one person to a thousand people. Cell phones are controversial and the social media apps on them make them seem intimidating and not loyal. A machine holding all of your personal information where at the click of s button, that embarrassing prom picture can never be erased. Cell phones make talking to people easier but they make our social skills weaker. Texting instead of talking could lead to the next generation not being able to hold a conversation. It-

Linda stopped. She had three more days to work on this. However, she had to edit seven people's articles and create a horoscope by tomorrow. It seemed like she was going to skip her lunch break again.

She began editing and between that, many journalists came into her office with questions and issues that added up on her list of things that she had to do before she left today. However, Linda wasn't phased by the immense amount of work that she had to do. She did it everyday. If she couldn't get it done, she would stay in the office while everyone was gone to finish her work.

It was six o'clock and there were only three people in the building. Chase, Susan who was an intern, and Linda. Chase came into her office just as she was telling Susan she could clock out.

Chase went over to her desk and came up behind her. Linda knew he was there and smiled. He played with her hair while she typed a letter on her computer asking for a couple of famous vine stars to come in and do some interviews with her. When she hit send, she turned to him. "I better get home soon" she said. Chase refused and snaked his arms around her waist. He pulled her in close and kissed her passionately, his hands trailing up and down her back until they rested on her hips. She kissed back with an equal amount of passion and they pulled away, but never moved away from the other person. "I love you" Chase whispered, his voice deep and raspy. "I love you too" Linda replied running her hands through chases hair.

At around seven o'clock Linda and Chase left the building and went their separate ways to go home. Linda thought about the perfect life that she dreamed of having with Chase and how it might actually happen now that the two of them were together.

When Linda arrived home, dinner was ready and her parents were eating. She was really happy that they had cooked again because she was exhausted. The three of them talked with each other and Linda explained her stressful day and all of the work that she had to do.

Linda and her mother cleaned up the kitchen and then her parents led her to the living room. "Honey, we found a place to live" her father said. "It's near our old one but closer to the town. Also, our insurance is paying for all of the damage so we should be able to move out tomorrow and be on our way." Linda was shocked and happy but also sad that her parents were leaving. She gave them each a hug and congratulated them. They would be moving out and now everything would be normal again. Well, except for the fact that she had a man to care for.

Linda's parents told her that they were sorry that they were leaving so abruptly but they just wanted everything to be just like how it was before the hurricane. She agreed and they hugged one more time while they cried and laughed.

Linda went to bed soon after that and so did her parents. She fell asleep easily and dreamed exotically.

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